Chapter 14

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I woke up and felt oddly very arm but before i could question it, I felt someone nuzzle there face into the crook of me neck making me jump at the sudden action. I looked over and saw Kentaro sleeping, he looked pissed off even asleep. I rolled over causing him to roll over as well with a groan and pulled the pillow over his head. I looked at my phone it was barely 4:20 am, it was best if I sleep a bit more but im suprised he stayed and slept in here with me. Considering how dark it was I couldn't see him all that well but i knew it was him. I moved closer to him basically big spooning him and I couldnt help but feel his muscles a bit. They werent like Iwaizumis but still I found them attractive.
"What do you want" I heard his gruff voice say with a groan
"nothing...just wanted to hold you. Is that wrong of me to do?"
"Yeah it is. Go to bed dummy it's like 4 in the fucking morning" He said before rolling over and pulling me into his chest and falling asleep. He smelt like cologne and cookies an odd but calming smell. I hugged him and fell asleep in his arms, I felt glad he didnt leave me.

I woke up a bit because I felt him shifting and then he fell ontop of me.
"ACK! Get off me you moose!" i growled
"Hmm~" he hummed not even moving just layed peacefully. I took advantage of this and pinched his butt making him yelp and jump up.
"Then dont lay on me new time. Unlesssss you liked it~"
"Shut up, Im going to get ready for practice now. My ass still hurts" He said rubbing his butt and gave me a glare but then sighed giving me a kiss on my forehead and walking out if the room. I blushed a bit as I watched him leave the room. I started to get up and stretched heading to the bathroom to shower.

Kyotani POV

I walked back to the boys room still tired but oddly felt calm.

Still cant believe she pinched my ass

"Mad dog chan!! WHY WERENT YOU HERE!!?"
"Shut up, Im still tired and I want to shower" I growled at him. Oikawa was going to say something before Iwaizumi stopped him.
I stood in the shower for a bit enjoying how calm the water felt on my back. I walked out and put my practice clothes on walking to the dinning room for breakfast. I felt arms wrap around my waist and I looked down and saw y/n wearing a hoodie and what looked lime no pants.
"Hi Ken Ken~" she chirped
"Shouldnt you wear pants, your going to get cold?"
"Im wearimg spandex under im not nakeddd" she huffed walking next to me

She was cute, I had to admit that but would I tell her i wouldn't because why would she choose someone like me....

¤Time skip to end of da week bc author-chan is a lazy fuck¤


I said my goodbyes to everyone and I was going to miss them. I never felt this happy before, I exchanged numbers with the managers and said that we'd all hang out for sure sometime. I never was close to girls mainly because they were all either stuck up or annoying. We loaded onto the bus and made our way back to the school. After what felt like a million years we arrived, me and Oikawa said bye to everyone and we would see them monday. We walked all the way back home and called out to our parents, and heard no answer.
"Looks like they went on another business trip for a while and couldnt say bye" I said with a sigh wishing they at least said bye. The note said they'd be gone for about a month but they would send us money and obviously pay for the house and groceries.
"Hm, want to go out and eat today?" Tooru asked
"Yeah thatd be nice, lets head out". We were walking in silence for a bit till he started a conversation
"Im glad to see you like this again, I missed this you who was still aggressive but not to the point you made people cry on the spot you know"
"Dont think I wont big bro" I said with a smirk
"Hey dont do that or youll starve~" he teased causing me to scoff at him

¤Time skip to school¤

"Ughhhhhh" was all I was able to say when I heard the alarm beep. I got up and shuffle to the closet and put my uniform on. I walked to the bathroom and thought I should try more, Id usually put my hair up or just brush it so it doesnt look like a rats nest. I plugged in my curler and began to curl my hair then put them into cute curly pig tails. I brushed my teeth and put my thigh high socks on and walked downstairs. Oikawa was slipping his shoes on and looked at me weirdly
"You never do your hair, whats the deal?" He said with a suspicious look
"Jeezzz, I cant do my hair?"
"No you dont do it is the problem......are you....getting all dolled up for mad dog chan~" He teased. I punched him in the arm and told him to hurry up as I already was out the door.

After walking for a while we arrived to the gym for morning practice and got strange looks from everyone. I would look at myself weird too if my hair looked normal to super stylish in a matter of seconds.
"Woah you look hot y/n chan~" I looked over and saw mattsuns big ass eyebrows
"Go practice catapiller brows" I growled
"You wound me y/n" He dramatically said as he placed his hand over his heard then walked away. Made me smile a bit though. After a while of watching the boys practice for a bit I saw Kentaro walk in with his usual huge ass bags under his eyes.
"Morning ken ken, you look beat" I said to him
"Yeah I didn't sleep all that well, my heads pounding" he said sounding a bit irritated but obvious he didnt want to take it out on me.
"I have a pain killer and you can just observe today so you dont cause stress alright dummy" I handed him a painkiller and he sat on the bench looking eager to play.
"You can play during lunch and after school but right now you need to chill, youll cause stress and then youll get wrinkly like a rasin~" I teased and poked his shoulder. The bell was about to ring and I watched everyone leave to get dress while I waited for Kentaro since we had class together.
"You ready to go?"
"Yuhp!" with a pop from the p
"You seem oddly happier than usual. Did you hit your head or something?"
"Your an ass" I pouted crossing my arms across my chest
"So ive been told. But you love this asshole dont you~" I blushed a bit when he said that and smacked his arm
"Stop that ken ken" I let out a light chuckle but it faded when I heard murmurs from everyone, I started to get a bit irritated.

Whose the hot girl

Damn I want her number

Whys she with Kyotani doesnt she know how dangerous he is

Maybe shes forced to be with him

Dude thats Oikawas sister

No way, I see why shes pretty hot


Dont interfere with them, they are just extras" I heard his gruff voice say to me. Without hesitating I held his hand and heard more people questioning our relationship between us. I didnt get...they didnt matter....All that mattered was me and him.
"I dont like how people see you as a thug or dangerous, I think you are an amazing person and I enjoy being around you"
"Thank you princess" His voice was low only for me to hear and he squeezed my hand a bit.

Another chapter boom its kinda cute to see his as a softy but him as a baddie is hot too so idk

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