When the CEO fell inlove to his employee.....

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Taehyung POV:
I'm now standing outside the building of the Jeon's company. It's my first day as his assistant. So I quickly went to the front desk...
Taehyung: uhmm excuse me where can I find Mr. Jeon's office?

Somi: ohh you must be taehyung I'm Somi the front desk officer. And let me accompany you to Mr. Jeon's office

Then they both went to the elevator. And Somi pushes the 12 floor button. Then they went out of the elevator then goes to the door that has a writter THE CEO'S OFFICE. Somi knocks on the door. Then we heard someone said "come in"
Somi: Mr. Jeon this Kim Taehyung your new assistant.

Mr. Jeon: oh thanks Somi you can now leave.

Mr. Jeon POV:
After Somi leaves I glance toward Kim Taehyung. And for his appearance he is quite presentable.

Mr. Jeon: ok you can now start to work you desk is there near my desk and if you have any questions just feel free to ask me

Taehyung: ok sir I will do my work now.

Taehyung POV:
I've been working for hours now. And I was finished now. So I strech my back for a bit. Then started to fix somethings.... When I heard someone talks....

??: uhmm Mr. Taehyungssi

Taehyung looks up and saw Mr. Jeon standing infront of his desk

Taehyung: yes Mr. Jeon do you need something?

Mr. Jeon: actually I wanna tell you that I will drop you off your house

Taehyung: no it's ok Mr. Jeon I can just take the bus

Mr. Jeon: no I insist because there is no bus around the area this time.

Then Taehyung quickly fix his things. And go with Mr. Jeon. When they reach the basement he is shocked of Mr. Jeon's car ferrari. Then he went inside the car. And buckled his seatbelt. Then Mr. Jeon started to drive.

*after a few minutes*
Taehyung: uhmm sir it's not the way on my house

Mr. Jeon: i'm taking you on a date...

Then Taehyung went speechless about what Mr. Jeon said. Then Mr. Jeon parks his car towards a fancy restaurant. Before entering....

Taehyung: uhmm sir I don't have any money to buy at this restaurant. I can just take a cab here and went home.

Mr. Jeon: who says your the one buying?, i'll pay for you don't worry, now let's go inside...

Then Jungkook and Taehyung head inside the restaurant and Jungkook orders their meal.

Taehyung: uhmm Mr. Jeon why did you bring me here?

Mr. Jeon: ohh drop the formality Taehyung just call me Jungkook

Taehyung: ok Jungkook

Then after hearing Mr. Jeon's first name Taehyung felt like he knows the guy infront of him.

Taehyung: uhmm did we met before?

Jungkook: you really don't remember me?, I'm the one you used to hang out when we are in middle school back then.

Taehyung: ohh bunny! Now I remember, it's been a long time that we've seen each other

Jungkook: yeah you can't even remember me

Taehyung: sorry because you really change a lot you know

Jungkook: yeah puberty hits me hard, but you too you look great now

Taehyung: oh thanks hehe

Then their foods arrive. Then the both continue to eat while catching up with each other's life.

*after eating*
Jungkook decided to take Taehyung home since it's pretty late. Then they bid goodbyes with each other.


Taehyung POV:
It's been 3 years since I work at this company. I must say I really enjoy working here. Because the workers is so friendly, even the environment is so peaceful and of course the boss is not strict. I must say me and Jungkook have grow closer with each other. And we used to eat dinner together every night after work hours.

Jungkook: Taehyung can you prepare 3 copies of this for the meeting. And please bring me coffee too

Taehyung: ok Mr. Jeon

Then Taehyung do what Mr. Jeon said to him.

*After work hours*
As usual Jungkook ask Taehyung to eat with him. And Taehyung agrees...

Jungkook POV:
Actually tonight i'm planning to tell Taehyung that I like him. So I'm pretty nervous on what's going to happen.. We already arrived at the venue.
And I can see that Taehyung is really amazed by the view.

Taehyung: wow it's so pretty...

Jungkook: I'm glad you like it, let's taje a seat?

Then they both take a seat. And ate their food while staring at the bright night sky...

*after eating*
Taehyung POV:
I decided to take a picture of the beautiful city light here. So I stood in the railings and pull out my phone and captured it. While I was looking at the photos I took. Someone back hugs me. When I look at who it is. It's Jungkook....

Jungkook: uhmm Taehyung I wanna tell you something

Taehyung: what is it?

Then Jungkook suddenlt kneels down...

Jungkook: I know that we know each other for so long now. And I know to myself that I don't want to let you go anymore. So Kim Taehyung ny assistant, my love, my everything will you be my boyfriend?

Then Jungkook pulls out a box with a beautiful ring on it.

Taehyung: yes Jeon Jungkook I would like to be your boyfriend!

Then Jungkook stands up and quickly kiss me deeply. And I returned the kiss. And he let go of the kiss and puts the ring on my finger...

Jungkook: my love this is just a promise ring but I promise that someday I am going to put a beautiful engagement ring there. Thank you for saying yes. I love you!

Taehyung: I love you too my CEO


Hi guys I made another oneshot story, hope you like it!!

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