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Jungkook POV:
We are currently on our way in our interview.. I was so tired I haven't slept last night because I fixed my music tape.... "Jungkook-ah let's head now" I nod at Jin hyung we went out of the car and made our way to the backstage... My make-up artist fixed my make-up and seriously I almost fell asleep when we arrived at the interview venue. I sat beside V hyung...

*In the middle of interview*
I started to get sleepy. "hyung I'm sleepy" I whispered at V hyung "just wait a little more babe" he holds my hand. He continue talking to me so I can't fall asleep...

*after the interview*
"we don't have any schedule anymore right?" V hyung asked our manager and our manager nods "So we can go home now?" our manager nods again "baby you can rest now let's go" he drags me towards his car and he drove while I completely fell asleep....

Taehyung POV:
I drove to our apartment.. "you really looks tired baby" I cares his face I went out of the car I carefully lifted him inside our house... I arrived. "Tannie shh shh your daddy will wake up" I carries Jungkook upstairs. I remove his shoes and hoodie. I turned on the air conditioner and I tuck him in... I went out and feed Tannie... After that I ordered rice cakes and black bean noodles for the both of us. While waiting for the food I just watch some movie...

"sir here is your meal" "ohh thank you here, keep the change" I smiled at the delivery boy and went inside to prepare our meal...

I went upstairs and found Jungkook still asleep I approach him... "baby wake up you need to eat" he groaned "aish you will not wake up?" I kissed him many times "ohh babe i'm awake now" he gets up I give him one last peck "I will wait for you downstairs" he nods and fix himself...

He went downstairs we eat after eating we watch a movie with Tannie the whole night..




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