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Ugh! These damn girls are like leeches. I think to myself as I shake another girl off of me. As soon as she's off of me another takes her place. Pushing past the crowd around me I pull my back pack higher up on my shoulder running out into the woods surrounding the school.

Hiding behind a thick bush I strip down and shift into a big red brown colored wolf. (Think Jacob from twilight) Running into the woods going on instinct I find a scent that drives me wild with need and want. Following that scent I come to a little clearing whereI find non other than Megan and Dimitri. Together. still feeling my wolfin control I go forward announcing myself to them, running directly towards Megan.

Shoving my nose in her face I begin to lick her face. Her hands come up to my fur as she laughs. My nose pulls up on her shirt exposing her stomach. Going for the skin there I feel something come over me and I hear Megan gasp and cover her eyes.

I was standing in front of Megan....... completely and utterly.... naked

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