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Why? Why did he have to ask? She's put up her guard again.. It's going to be hard to get this one down. "Damien, I'm going to go home. Megan left her stuff there, she's going to want it." He nods as I walk off using my vampire speed I get there quickly.

Unlocking the door heading up to my room that smells like her, roses and lavender hits of cinnamon. I inhale her fading scent as I grab her bag, noticing that a patch of blue fur is sticking out. Placing the bag on my rumpled bed I pull out a bear, medium sized blue bear covered in stitches. I feel all the pain, sadness ,and anger seep out of the bear. Underneath it all is a big chasm of comfort and love, so pure it brings tears to my eyes. Putting its fur near my nose the deep embedded smell of tears fills my senses.

I have to get this to her now she needs it. Grabbing the bear firmlyin my grasp I speed off towards her house, forgetting her clothes. Stopping in front of her house noticing its faded and fractured paint. Knocking on the door hearing Megan move around upstairs. "Megan! Come down, its me!" I hear her fall, that's when the sounds of two more people register in my mind. "Megan!"

I hear the sound of skin hitting skin making me see red when Megan grunts in pain. Busting down the door, I see everything broken and wrecked. Megan sprawled out on the floor in a ring of blood..... blood.... blood! My fangs pop out forcing my mouth to open slightly, feeling my lip piercing with the tip of my fang. I feel myself drawn to theblood, but ignore it as two ragged people, skin and bones. The woman has bruises all over her visable skin, and the man has scratches on his face.

They do not see me covered in the shadow of the stairway, they advance on Megan. The man preparing himself to kick her. I see red and all coherent thoughts fly out of my mind.


I got home after running from the boys. I just want to get home and cuddle with Luna. Damn I left her in Dimitri's room! I'll get it later. Sighing I open the door heading up to my room and I get hit badly, slamming me into the wall. "Bitch!" I hear, the voice shocking me into the very depths of my mind. My parents are back. I feel sharp kicks to my stomach and ribs. Grunting in pain I try to get up, earning myself a punch in the face and my head slams into the wall and I feel it crack behind me.

I see their mouths moving rapidly but my ears must be bad cuz I heard not a single thing. My mother advances on me and my father slams her into the wall as well. He turns to me and pushes me roughly down the stairs, every step slamming sharply into my sides. My head still woozy from the wall hits a step and slams into the floor. I feel a hot warm liquid gush from my head to my shoulders.

For a long moment in time my eyes wouldn't focus on anything and a horrible ringing in my ears made them sting. My body felt bad, almost worse than the worse I've felt. I lay there, eyes closed awaiting their next move. My breath coming in shallow gasps makes my chest ache in pain. I'm pretty sure I hit something glass cuz I have little stinging cuts over my body. I feel blood trickle out of the corner of my mouth, tasting its copper, rusty taste. Every pound of my heart brings a new jolt of pain throughout my body, I feel heat envelop my body. I don't think I'll make it out of this one..... I didn't even get to say goodbye to Dimitri or Damien or even Luna..... I'm glad no one will miss me really. The boys will forget me and move on.... As selfish as it sounds I'm glad I gave Dimitri my first kiss... Those sparks and fireworks that exploded inside of me when we kissed were amazing..... I can die without having missed anything, that kiss will stay with me forever, even now I feel it coursing through me. The pain begins to numb me into a feeling of nothing-ness. Everything disappeared.... all except the warmth of his lips on mine and sparks erupt setting my whole being on fire, but a pleasant tingley fire..... So this is what it's feels like to die.... like Dimitri's kiss.... How wonderful...


I threw those people out whoever they were and went back to Megan. After trying everything she wouldn't respond. She lay there motionless except for her labored breathing. I brought my lips down to hers feeling the sparks in my body, pulling back as an idea pops into my head. My Blood! it'll heal her! I hope.... she's not human so I don't know how this'll effect her.... I'VE GOT TO TRY!

Sharpening my fangs I bite into my wrist, bringing it up to her parted lips. Lifting her head and placing her body into my lap. Pushing her mouth more firmly against my wrist as the liquid drips down her throat..... "please please please work. I need you. Don't leave me. please please. Megan, my beautiful little mate please don't leave me. I need you so much." My tears drip off my face landing on her beautiful skin. Her little pink cheeks. I press my lips to her forehead whispering. "Don't leave me."

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