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One minor inconvenience.

Only a singular issue landed you in the position you were in right now. Knees pressed up against your chest and your snapped swim cap clutched tight in your right hand. Your whole body racked with sobs and your torso shook with uneven, quick breaths.

It had been an incredibly stressful few days, with the though of failing your team at nationals looming over you, along with the extensive training you had, morning, night, and even during lunch time you would swim nonstop. Due to that fact you never got to see your new first year friends Yamaguchi and Tsukishima except when you walked home together, and by then you were way too tired to talk. Your texting conversations with Tsukishima became almost nonexistent, unfortunately for you, because the only thread that was holding you together was your time talking and spending time with the blonde megane.

Your small amount of self confidence dwindled and that took a toll on your emotional state. Landing you sunk in a ocean of stress that no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't swim out. 

Your anxiety piled down tenfold when one of your favorite swim caps broke in the middle of practice. Coach Nakamura let you go to your school locker to grab the new one, but halfway there all of the emotions you had been holding down crashed onto you, making you collapse in the middle of the corridor. 

Everything swirled around you in a big blur and nothing felt real, your eyes were closed as tight as you could and your free hand dug painfully into your scalp, but you could barely feel it. You had no idea how long you had been sitting there for, but it felt like an eternity, and your state wasn't getting any better.

"Oh my god (L/N)-San!"

You head shot up to meet the familiar worried eyes of Sugawara Koushi. He hurried over to crouch in front of your distressed form.

"Can I touch you?"

You tried your best to even out your breathing so you could properly respond to him.


The gray haired male slowly reached his hand forward to pull away your wrist, taking your hand away from its spot digging into your skull. He held said hand in his own warm one and looked into your teary eyes. His hues held the comfort of a loving mother in them, the amount of emotions that flooded through you from receiving such a loving gaze almost made you burst into another round of shaky sobs.

The male then grabbed your other hand, taking the ripped cap from you and throwing it away in the trash bin beside you both. Now both of your hands were encased in his, the feeling of the other's touch calmed you immensely, but your breathing was still coming out shaky and quick.

Suga took in a deep breath, he didn't have to say anything for you to follow him in the action, taking in a long staggering breath and releasing it with him.

After about 5 minutes your breathing was normal again, and only then did Sugawara entrap you in a tight, motherly hug. You clutched onto the back of his shirt and dug your tear-stained face in his shoulder, breathing in the scent of cinnamon.

"Don't worry (L/N), I'm here."

~~Suga's POV~~

I had left my distressed kouhai in the nurses office with a (f/d) that I had bought him from a vending machine. After telling him I would be back to him, I made my way back to the volleyball gym to talk to Daichi and two other kids about the situation.

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