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You. Were. Dying.

3 days of absolute hell had been beating and breaking your body, tearing it down from the very foundation until you could barely stay standing upwards by the very end of the day.

That may sound dramatic, but the way that the coaches were borderline abusing you made it seem completely necessary. You wanted to completely shrivel up and DIE.

There were only 5 more days until the national competition began, and that lasted for 3 days. Teams practiced together beforehand to cram in as much muscle and skill as possible before facing one of the biggest competitions in their swimming career. No pressure.

What really sucked, though, was the fact that a lot of the swimmers here were jerks. You got constantly jabbed at for your height, and since a lot of the competitors knew you from separate swim meets, they new how awkward you got.

"(L/N)! Funny seeing you here! How's my favorite lanky son of a bitch doin'?"

A male in which you remembered from your most recent swim meet made his way next to you before swinging a muscular arm around your bare shoulders (considering you were still in your swim suit.)

He was shorter than you, but that was to be expected. He was still tall for a high schooler though, standing at exactly 6'.

"Uhm.. Takahashi-San I-I've gotta go... y'know... shower. Kay bye!"

You ducked under his arm and began your speed walk away from him.

"Woah slow down buddy! I can keep up with your long ass legs!"

Other swimmers chuckled and you burned bright red. Throwing a towel over your shoulders and making it into the showering areas.

Setting your toiletries down in the shower you picked out, you heard the door to the bathroom open up behind you. Not thinking twice about it, you continued with what you were doing; ridding yourself of your swimsuit and turning on the shower.

"Y'know we were just joking back there."

You gulped, that was Takahashi. The shorter male opening the shower next to yours and jumping in himself. His voice was amused.

"Y-yeah its- it's alright."

There was a laugh from beside him.

"You get flustered so easily, it's kinda cute..."

Now that surprised you, your ears burning red and your head scrambling to find some sort of words.

"I- I um- don't-"

"Look, dude, calm your tall ass down. You don't gotta talk or anything, that's fine or whatever."

You jumped, the shower curtain barricading you from the outside world sliding open with Takahashi being the reason. His smirking face being the first thing you see.

Eyes widening and body trembling with embarrassment, your hands wildly grabbed for a squeegee to cover up your... uhm... goods.

Takahashi chuckled and brushed his wet dark brown hair back with his hands before sending you a wink.


He then left you alone in the showers, squeegee in hand and an embarrassed blush painting your cheeks.

A/N: Ooohhhhhhhhhh. What's gonna happen???? Hope you enjoyed this little burst of inspiration. Though it's short and probably doesn't satisfy your thirsty needs, hope you guys enjoyed! Bye y'all!

Word Count: 530

Moonlit Lanes: Tsukishima KeiWhere stories live. Discover now