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The day you leave to nationals.

It was currently 4 am. You were running off of a total of 2 hours of sleep, a cream cheese lathered bagel, and a gas station bought bottled frappuccino, but you still managed to keep yourself upright so you can trudge your way to the school where the bus should be parked.

The temperature was sitting at a -5 degrees Celsius, but with the harsh winds blowing up your long (f/c) scarf it felt even colder. The ground was piled with snow, which left you wondering how the temperature could go from incredibly stormy to blizzards in the span of 3 days.

You shivered and pulled your thick winter coat closer to your freezing body. How you wish you had been able to snag a ride from somebody, but of course your horrible luck has left you in the nipping cold.

A relieved sigh that was visible in the cool outside air left your lips once you caught a glimpse of the orange and black school bus set to take you to Tokyo for nationals. You could feel your feet pick up the pace, your body longing for the warmth that the heated bus would no doubt bring.

Once arriving you didn't hesitate to send a rushed greeting to your tired coach and practically throw yourself into the vehicle. Once inside your limbs relaxed and relished in the heating system bringing your body temperature back up to its normal temp. The change from hot to cold was so intense that it left your hands and cheeks in slight pain.

You shook it off though and made your way to the back of the bus. Your teammates were all tired so nobody had the energy to greet you as you walked past, which you were slightly grateful for due to how you were just barely managing to keep your eyes open as well.

Once at an empty seat near the rear you carelessly tossed your backpack (that also doubles as a suitcase right now) onto the seat before flopping yourself right beside it. Almost as soon as your body got relaxed you were out like a light.

~~~With Tsukki~~~

Tsukishima was never really a morning person, opting to sleep in whenever he got the chance to. Today should have been one of those days, it being an early Saturday morning, but he couldn't seem to be able to close his eyes once again when he has suddenly awoken at 6:34 am.

He new exactly why he was up, and he grew irritated with himself that he had let it happen. He new that (L/N) was older than him so he could probably take care of himself just fine, but he also knew that him and the (h/c) haired second year were two very different people. It took a lot of strength to admit, but he was worried for his partner. After his freak out about nationals a few days ago Tsukishima wondered how the other was going to make it through actually being at the big competition.

How his anxious boyfriend was going to pull it off he had no idea, and for some reason he couldn't get it off his mind.

There was also the fact that he wouldn't be able to see the taller boy for more than a week, but he was too tsundere to admit that he would miss him.

Though it has only been about 3 days since they've started dating, Tsukishima felt as if they have been together for years. Tsukishima always knew he was gay, but he never put much thought into what his type was. He just thought he would end up with someone who was as snarky and sarcastic as him who could take his insults and even shoot some clever ones back...but that's not what (L/N) is.

But for some reason the two just seemed to click. Tsukishima was of course snarky, but (L/N) never took offense to the mean-ish words from the blonde. He would either chuckle at some smart ones or blush embarrassedly and stutter out some awkward response. Kei thought it was almost....cute.

Groaning, the blonde rolled onto his side and blindly reached for his glasses on the nightstand. After a few failed attempts he managed to swipe the pair off the table and rest them upon his ears. Finally able to see, he also picked up his phone laying next to where his glasses had been.

Thankfully sunlight was already streaming through the curtains of his bedroom, so when he turned on his phone the brightness from the screen didn't make him wince or squint his eyes.

Opening up Instagram Tsukishima lazily scrolled down his feed, not taking too much interest in any of the posts shared. At least that was until he saw that Makoto had put up a post with several pictures attached all centered around their trip to Nationals. Swiping across the photos of mostly selfies with teammates and pictures of the view he finally found what he had been secretly hoping for in the back of his mind.

A picture of (L/N) out cold in a bus seat could be seen, Makoto's face was in the corner of the photo and his hand could be seen giving a piece sign.

'another selfie' Kei sweatdropped

Nagisa was also in the picture, holding up a finger to his lips while his eyes shown mischief. In his hands was a thick bag of trail-mix that obviously belonged to a certain sleeping second-year.

Tsukishima new of his boyfriends love for trail-mix. a strange thing to have as your favorite food but he wasn't going to judge on that. what he is going to judge him for though, is his tendency to eat not nearly as much raisins as he does the peanuts and m&ms. Sometimes even unconsciously only grabbing those out of the bag, in the end leaving him just a bag of salty raisins.

That Tsukishima would always judge him for.

But besides that, Kei couldn't help but feel a little happy. This picture was proof that he is doing okay so far, and even if he won't admit it he kinda needed the reassurance because he would be thinking about it all day otherwise.


Alright fuck this.

Kei doesn't know how the hell people managed to go through long distance relationships. It has literally only been 2 hours and he was done. The thing was that its a high chance that even if (L/N) was in Miyagi they wouldn't be hanging out right now. They would probably be texting back and forth until eventually one of them cracked and asked the other to hangout.

But even so, the blonde felt as if he had no way to contact him. Sure they can text, but the swimmer was still asleep and soon enough he would be busy with intense swimming stuff.

'Or whatever swimmers do during nationals' Tsukishima thought.

It might have been the fact that the two couldn't spontaneously put on their shoes and leave their house to meet up at some random time in some random area. Even before the two started dating and they were just texting constantly they would randomly hangout. They of course didn't classify as 'dates' but more of just... friendly surprise chill moments.

Tsukishima inwardly cringed at the stupid name.

The tall blonde had moved from his bed and onto his desk so he could finish his weekend homework as to not worry about it later. His determination for his schoolwork wavered, however, when his mind drifted back to his boyfriend currently hours away.

The males golden eyes caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye, a bright contrast of color between his plain white walls and light honey furniture. Even his small dinosaur figurines scattered about his shelves weren't bright enough in compete with the blaring red that easily caught Kei's gaze.

There leaning against a barren cream-colored wall was a plain ruby red umbrella.

The blonde groaned and slammed his forehead onto his desk... hard.

This is gonna be a long week.

A/N: SIMPSIMPSIMPSIMPSIMPSIMP TSUKKI'S A SIMP. But we love him. Thank you so much for reading! Bye y'all!

Word Count: 1,375

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