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3 weeks had passed since you had started talking to Kei over text. Over time you became closer and you each texted each other freely. (or as freely as a salty french fry and a shy bby can talk) You became a regular during Yamaguchi's and Tsukishima's lunch times, sitting with them in the cafeteria or classroom whenever you could. The three of you even walked home together if your practices got out around the same time.

Your texts chats mostly consisted of Tsukishima telling you about stupid stuff his teammates did, it was funny to listen to what happened from the tall blonde's point of view, especially since he has quite the interesting word choice. For example:

The 3-foot-tall piece of caliginous junk, Hinata...

Mr. 'Gay for the midget' Kageyama...

Don't worry, he may speak like an idiot, and walk like an idiot. But don't let that fool you, he is an idiot.

All of their guardians have my pity..... no wait I actually don't care.

And your absolute favorite:

His brain's so minute that if a hungry cannibal cracked his head open, there wouldn't be enough to cover a small water biscuit.

He never failed to make you laugh, some of his words may seem insulting, but you just thought he was incredibly clever. The best part was that you are pretty smart, so you have no trouble keeping up with him.

You couldn't help but feel that something was off though. Whenever he would text you first your whole being would burst with happiness, no matter how bad your day was. And when he is near you, your heart starts beating rapidly. For some reason the longer you hung out with him, these feelings would only grow.

The only person you had told about this was your upperclassman and captain, Makoto. You immediately regretted it though, when he began lightly teasing you about your big 'crush' on the tall first-year. You found it hard to believe that you could possibly have a crush on the boy.

You were just glad to have an actual friend... right?

Your POV:

4 days until you have to head to Tokyo for nationals.

The pressure was eating you alive, last year you didn't have a good enough time to go to Tokyo, but now you do. The feeling of failing your team dropped your mood drastically. Every thought about what could go wrong during the competition swirled through your anxiety-ridden mind.

Little did you now that a certain glasses-clad first year noticed your gloomy attitude that has been going on for the past couple of days. 

Tsukishima's POV:

'What is wrong with this idiot now?'

I had a vague idea of why the second year eating in front of my had a downcast aura around him, and to be honest, I think he's just being dumb.

I wont say anything about it to him or anything, because that would make it seem like I cared.....which I don't. (mhmmmmm 👀)

"Eat your food."

The (e/c) eyed boy snapped out of his trance and looked down at his chopsticks that he had been hovering over his food for the past 7 minutes. A blush erupted onto his face, obviously embarrassed.

The second year proceeded to eat out of his bento. We both were the only ones in the classroom, due to it being lunch and everyone was in the cafeteria. Yamaguchi hadn't joined us because he promised to eat with Yachi and the freak duo today, so it was just us.

(L/N) worked on his classwork while we both sat in comfortable silence. The boy's leg was bouncing up and down underneath of his desk and he kept on repeatedly pushing up his reading glasses since they kept slipping down his nose due to the sweat that was collecting there.

I sighed and clutched onto his knee under the table, abruptly stopping it's motion. (L/N) looked at me in shock with a small tint of pink on his cheeks. I kept my hold on the other's leg.

"I'm, uh, sorry if I was being annoying."

My face displayed a bored expression, but I was having a battle with myself to keep the blush down at the older boy. He was rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly while he looked off to the side, a guilty look on his face. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"You were being annoying, seriously I don't get why you're so nervous about just another competition."

The (h/c)-ettes mouth fell to the floor in shock, looking at me as if I'd killed his dog.

"I- Just another competition- i-i don't even know- how... nationals!!"

The boy stammered out random phrases, and I could help but think about how he looked kinda cute trying to defend his sport.... and doing a horrible job.

My eyes widened at the sudden thought that plagued my mind, and I had to turn my head to the side to hopefully hide the small pink tint that rose up on my cheeks. I had to keep some of my pride.

Our moment was cut short by the end of lunch bell. I abruptly stood and bowed at my upperclassman before wordlessly leaving the second-year collage prep classroom.

Your POV:

You watched the boy walk away, the feeling of his hand clutching your knee still lingered on your body. Your face exploded red and you buried it into your hands.

'I think Makoto-Senpai was right...'

3rd POV:

Tsukishima made his way into his classroom, his hands stuffed in his pockets and his headphones resting around his neck. Yamaguchi was quick to realize his friends presence and stood up from his seat, making his way to the tall blonde's desk where he was sitting down.

The freckled teen rested his hands on Tsukishima's desk and looked down at the sitting boy with a small smile on his features.

"So how was lunch with (L/N)?"

The olive haired boy's words seemed to cause the blonde to have a flashback, and he was quick to pick up the twinge of pink dusting his best friend's cheeks. Yamaguchi's eyes widened and his smile brightened when he finally realized something.

"Oh my gosh Tsuki you like (L/N)-Kun!"

Tadashi whisper yelled to his friend, his face growing an excited look. His friend had never had any love life before!

"Shut up Yamaguchi."

Tsukishima rolled his eyes at his friend's abrupt statement, not wanting to confirm nor deny any of the accusations that he had made. Simply because he was worried that his friend might be right. The thought was eating at his mind.

"Nuh-Uh! You aren't getting out of this that easily! You-"

The excited first-year was cut off by the bell to start class rang out on the room. The boy slumped while his friend put on a smirk. Tsukishima spoke to the male with a teasing tone.

"It seems that I am, actually."

Yamaguchi dragged his feat to his desk and threw his body into his seat, trying to be as dramatic as possible to get Tsukishima to maybe feel bad and tell him something about how lunch went.

But alas, the blonde megane didn't give a fuck.

A/N: A tad bit shorter but I wanted to get this out for you guys. Thank you for 450 reads! Bye y'all!

Word Count: 1,225

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