Chapter X

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A nearly quiet burst of GusuLan Sect's emergency firework echoed throughout the whole mountain. A flurry of skyey, borderline transparent light crawled up to the sky in a thin line, leaving a trail of bluish smoke as it rose. Lan WangJi and Wei WuXian stared at the glimmering cloud pattern glued on to the sky in horror, their hearts starting to drop. The image soon started to evaporate into scads of imperceptible blue dusts, gradually dissipating when a gust of wind blew through.

Lan WangJi glared at the similarly white-clothed man's figure gradually taking shape as he approached them. This tediously familiar sense of déjà vu almost made him choke with his currently bottomless anger. The disciple's supposedly relieved expression turned into horror the closer he became. The dark aura his young master emitted was too much to the point that he felt like his nose clogged itself up so that he couldn't absorb the sour aura of killing intent that oddly felt like it was released specifically for him.

Tottering, he halted a few meters away from them and bowed from the distance. He wasn't able to greet him since his voice wouldn't come out of his dry throat no matter how much he tried to force it. He wasn't even able to register the shock he felt from actually seeing Lan WangJi present there. He didn't dare to look at the young master in the eyes and kept his head bowed down. He slowly took his hands down and clutched onto his robes.

Stealing a glance at Wei WuXian who was beside him that seemed unfazed from the pheromones, he started to question as to why he seemed so unaffected with it. Being that close to him would mean giving up breathing. The disciple was similarly still a young alpha, meaning that his glands weren't fully developed yet. But Lan WangJi's pheromones were just too strong, even for his age, that betas and children who haven't come of age yet that were supposed to be immune to the effects of pheromones wouldn't be able to escape from it.

At the very least, a few shivers on their spines were what it should cause, but the disciple felt it so clearly that he was starting to wonder if he was actually a beta or not. He wasn't sure if this is what pheromones actually felt like, but his aura was too much for him to handle. As his started to beat rapidly, his clothes, damp from him sweating profusely, uncomfortably stuck to his skin.

Lan WangJi took a quick look at his stiff body from up to down. As he straightened his robes, his hands flicked away some of the dust and grass that came to cling on it. He crouched down and began to collect the arrows and wrapped them back with the cloth. He then grabbed the kites and his bow along with it. Wei WuXian reached out for the other bow which was a bit further away from the other's reach. Lan WangJi smiled at him and patted his head in silent thanks.

Wei WuXian pointed at the objects in the other's hands asked if he could help him with half the other arrows since it seemed like he would be having a hard time, but Lan WangJi gave his hair one last ruffle before declining with an amused laugh. He then lifted his head up high and fixed his posture. Looking at the stiff man with his habitual unsociable expression, the signs of joy long gone ever since the disciple came and interrupted their conversation, he asked, "Sigh, what's the matter?"

His head was starting to spin and lose consciousness at the longer he stayed. If anything, he just wanted to get away from them. He stammered, "Y-your uncle asked me to look for you since Second Young Master and Young Master Wei were nowhere to be seen. It's a s-surprise to see you here, Second Young Master. I'm glad that none of you were hurt. I have already sent the signal a little while ago. He should b-be coming over here soon."

Before long, the sounds of the rustling of leaves and grass, accompanied with the footsteps of a huge crowd came. Lan QiRen and Lan XiChen stood in front of the group with an indistinguishable expression of fury. Lan XiChen wore a smile to try hiding it, but he failed miserably. Lan QiRen, on the other hand, didn't try to conceal it at all and slammed his hand on a tree's trunk that was standing close by the moment he spotted the two.

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