Chapter XIII

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Wei WuXian allowed himself to be brought wherever his feet took him. His steps were unbalanced and unsure, causing him to walk unsteadily on the already uneven ground. He felt as if he were about to fall at any time as his legs grew weaker and weaker. Not being able to hold in the raging flames in his throat and stomach anymore, he dropped down on his knees and started to spew out all of the continents in his stomach until it was completely empty.

His breathing was rough and irregular. Sometimes he'd choke on even the little amount of air that'd enter; sometimes he'd gasp desperately, feeling as though he was sinking in the middle of the lake towards its very bottom, its icy cold liquid encompassing the majority of his skin until they manage to crawl in his mouth and fill his lungs. Either way, it made him feel hellish.

He grabbed onto the ground, his long and slender fingers leaving a hollow trail. The dirt discreetly entered his short-cut fingernails, leaving dark marks lining its once-clean edges. From the way he violently threw up, as if he was about to throw up his innards, his head inevitably pounded in pain. Even with the sensation of his brain being mercilessly poked at by a hundred fingers along with the tingling sensation gradually spreading all over his body, he denied himself the urge to cry.

Stumbling, he gave it his all to stand up with his jelly legs and supported himself on the adjacent tree. He took his time to catch his breath and calm himself down. His head was muddled between the in and out of his consciousness. Wei WuXian used this chance to take a better look at his surroundings, tiredly. He realized that he was in the boarder that separated the rest of the houses from the untouched forest.

"I ran further away than I thought . . ." he sighed in relief. He took a glimpse of the nauseating bunch he threw up on the corner, his face crumpled. It was a mixture of liquidized matters, some not even thoroughly dissolved yet, remaining in its hard yet gooey form. Closing his eyes, he silently thanked himself for unconsciously running a considerable distance for he doesn't know what would become of him if those clean-freaks of GusuLan Sect would do to him he they see such an unsightly scene.

He snickered, "Though, it'd be thrilling to see what look they'll have on their faces."

At the thought, he managed to lift his mood up a little, successfully distracting a part of him from focus on the pain and the nasty smell alone. He reminisced the fun days he had as they played in his head like the theater the villagers on the countryside occasionally holds. Everything fell apart when the memory of that Wen Chao's disgusting hand snaked up his thighs, a heart-churning attempt in mind. At the memory, he felt the ache to vomit again.

He unconsciously ended up choking on his saliva and violently coughed and cursed that the liquid that was stupid enough to go in the wrong passage. He thumped on his chest and managed to retain his breathing, though it was heavy from the seconds worth lack of oxygen. If he were to die from choking on his own saliva, he'd rather choke himself than to be buried with the remembrance of a horribly humiliating death.

He wiped the liquid that escaped and trickled down the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, all the while trying to regain his balance that was starting to slip back down. Annoyed, he glared ferociously at the tree and continued to try and find a way to steady his breathing somehow. Wei WuXian, having no more energy left to even showcase his emotions, leaned his forehead on the tree in exhaustion.

Wei WuXian started to think back on the possible causes for him to be like this but nothing out of the sort came into his mind. For a moment, he suspected that it was probably from something that he ate or done, but he really just couldn't think of anything. Surely, Wen Chao was known to be a reckless and petty man when it came to doing anything to get what he wanted, be it revenge or obtaining pretty betas and frail omegas as if he were collecting objects, but he wouldn't stoop this low as to adding poison to his enemy's food.

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