Chapter XVIII

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Jiang WanYin felt annoyed as he was looking at the back view of his brother carelessly dozing off in the carriage through the wide-open window, his head bumping the edges of the windows with every move the horse would make. A little while ago, he had insisted on leaving it open for he wanted to 'enjoy the sceneries' along the way. Jiang WanYin didn't bother to object and gave in to his wants almost immediately. He didn't think he'd have the spirit to spend the rest of the hours listening to his whining. After shaking his head, Jiang WanYin accelerated a little over towards the older one so that they'd be side-by-side.

Wei WuXian's hair that was prepared dreadfully longer than before, even more than the time it took to prepare the house's female's hair which wore more ornaments and had a more complicated way of styling, was now achingly disheveled. The servants were too enthusiastic about making him even prettier with the determination that every single one that'd lay eyes on him would be in even more awe that it took hours to finish. A young miss from a nearby noble family's house had joined in, so even Yu ZiYuan couldn't stop them and just grumbled to herself nonstop.

If they were to see their precious masterpiece's state, they would undoubtedly faint in their puddle of blood and tears.

"'Open windows make me enjoy the ride better', he says. What is there to enjoy when he's right there just gone out like a light?! Look at how defenseless this idiot is! Now his whole appearance is a mess, no different from those children wandering about on the streets! Shouldn't it be safer to keep the windows shut? I should have just kept them closed right from the start. With him being so careless like this, wouldn't this give those perverts a chance to feast their eyes on him?!" Jiang WanYin grumbled under his breath.

But his rage still didn't go unnoticed by the exceptional hearing of his senior brother. The boy galloped his horse closer to the young master and tried calling him out but it seems like his presence wasn't even detected. Only then did Jiang WanYin notice him approaching when the young man let out a burst of delighted laughter, adoring his actions. He found it refreshing to see him being so overprotective after all those years when Wei WuXian was the one always protective of him, even if he would be repaid by him remaining rebellious.

He ruffled the young master's hair and chuckled:

"Don't mind your brother. Even though his second gender is . . . different from what we expected, he is still the strong Wei WuXian we all know. The man of all men!" he joked. "Plus, no eyes can get past us. If there were any, we would pierce them both. You can't blame him for being so exhausted after a whole morning receiving a mouthful of madam's scolding. Sigh, he should have woken up during the first call, now look at what happened. She didn't shut her mouth one bit ever since he was forcibly woken up. Only then were we able to take a breath when we left. When I went out to drink a glass of water, I saw lights still shining in his quarters from afar. What was he doing up all night?"

"Who knows? Recently, sister got him a new book of the series he wouldn't stop talking about. His eyes grew a thousand times wider the moment the object was handed over to him. He was even jumping up and down, swearing that he'd do most of Sister's chores for a whole month. He probably stayed up all night reading that." With the picture of Wei WuXian rolling around on his bed with his candles slowly getting dimmer and dimmer as time passed, Jiang WanYin rolled his eyes and humph-ed.

His senior brother chuckled. The remaining minutes they had left before arriving was spent in silence. They quietly enjoyed the soft whistles of the wind as it danced around the rustling leaves, tickling them until they each let out a gentle peal of laughter. Even Wei WuXian's soft snores nearly made them want to fall asleep themselves.

Just a little bit ahead of them, a carriage adorned with gold and jade that nearly robbed them off of their eyesight was spotted. Unsurprisingly, a young master donning similar blinding robes walked out of the carriage in an elegant manner. When he looked down to watch his step, his long eyelashes would cast a shadow below his eyes.

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