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Bizzare musty smell surrounding the Mansion , shelves and boards laying dismantlly over the fractured floor . There was no quarter left where traces of blood were absent .

There was no one inside the whole mansion , " hey kiddos , get up here , grab something to ingest " Freddie called us upp on the first floor .

A wooden stair was leading towards the first floor , it's last days were visible clearly and there was no support present there to climb .

We catiously clambered the stairs ,
" hope we don't have to jump next time we use it " said Lucio with a sigh at length of his face .

Juice tetrapacks , some wafers and biscuits also medication tools were gathered by the seniors , "Woah . .oh ! , This supplies will minimum last 3 days , won't it ? " Lucio exclaimed .

I didn't knew , when did I had a proper meal since this apocalypse . Sitting together we all ate like there was no tomorrow .

After 20 minutes munching and gulping enough food was left .

After finishing we all sat together having like a family talk .

" How did this virus escalated faster than a blink ?, I woke upp early morning and the whole world had been contaminated ", I spoke without having a clue of the reality .

" Anyone who's soul leaves the body wether naturally is taken by these malady " Freddie replied and there was a reason to believe him as he also had lost his family . " Also through blood it can spread ! " he added .

My eyes wide open , all of our faces turned towards father and our eyes focusing on his chewed thumb , I agonized .

"Noo you dumb arses , I'm not bitten by a zombie " Dad replied indignantly , " we just wanted to assure " , we felt worried about you " Lucio spoke softly and we both joined him .

Anyway I felt contended by hearing that he wasn't bitten .

" We have to stop over here todays night , until we find a safer place to reside " Freddie said . He acted like the family admin . We also had the mansion left undiscovered .

We had to check out for the whole mansion to ensure safety .

I was too tired to get upp . " hey sweetie , take some rest you might feel better , . . . come , keep your head over here " dad pulling me silently towards his shoulder . I rested my head over his hard muscled shoulder and within seconds . . .
Peace invaded my head as the siesta .

A strange loud noise knocked near my ear and it was continuing , openning my eyes I approached towards a water bottle and drank some water .
I slept minimum 12 hours .

Resting my back towards a pillar , I tried to recognise what sound it was .

It also woke up the three of them who were resting beside eachother .
" What is it " Lucio spoke in sleepy tone yawning . It was increasing slightly , it sounded like footsteps , a million footstep .

Lucio frustratingly got up and started walking towards the terrace to see what it was .

Even after a plentiful ammount of sleep we weren't satisfied . About 10 minutes had passed since he was gone , " Lucio " shouted his dad .

" I should go check him " Freddie also went behind lucio's footsteps .
Me and father followed him . Lucio was staring at something , probably near the grass field , "Hey , are deaf " shouted his Dad angryly , but still he didn't replied . He was standing over the terrace like ice , his eyes wide open .

We all moved towards him , " what happened kid ?" Freddie shaked him speaking this , he pointed his hand directing towards the grass field without speaking a word .

His expressions seemed wierd as he had suffered a stroke . We moved our faces to see what he was pointing towards . . . . .

Whole city was walking towards us

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Whole city was walking towards us . . . . . . .

THE DEATH PASSAGEWhere stories live. Discover now