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The sun rays falling upon my face . Flickered my eyes and pressing it slightly with my hands , got up from the mat I was sleeping .

I noticed that I was the first one to get up . . .
Taking support of a table I stood up and walked out through the door . The shining morning sky , smell of moist soil and the greenery hipnotized the mind to believe that it was a normal day .

I climbed the four step ladder down and walked a bit further inside the forest where the highway leaded .

The highway was clear , I was able to see a group of people walking towards the cottage within the fog . They were too far till then and I also noticed them carrying long rods for most it looked weapons .

I walked back inside , Noah was awake watching the scenery through the window .

" Good morning ", I showed in .

" Morning . . . where have you been " Noah replied

"Just a morning walk and I also saw a group heading here carrying guns , maybe you know them ? "

" Fucking hell . . . !! Williammm. . Zoeyy they're here
" shaking them from sleep Noah yelled like death was at the door .

William and zoey in an instant got up , " what is going on " Lucio asked .

" It cannot be explained at this moment , just take all of your belongings and follow me . We have to evacuate this place moreover run from them " William holded the sway and walked out the door .

We had nothing to take with , I only had my machete . We followed him diverging accross from the highway ran towards the small hill and hide between the bushes .

They all went inside and started taking out all the furniture and also the utensils . In minute time a giant truck arrived in which they loaded everything of the cottage . Zoey was crying hiding besides me , William supported her .

Now more people were gathering there , " it's a whole community who loots others and then kills them ", William spoke .

A guy with a microphone in his hand appeared near the entrance , " search for them , they would not have gone far enough " .

Father holded my hand and we all started running more inside the forest which turned darker at each step .

" Does anyone have any idea where we are heading ?" Lucio asked , and I also would repeat the same question .

" There is a seaport around two kilometres , we can still hope to find a ship . The capital Quaha is noninfectted city according to the news and we should head towards it " William had something sounding quite like a plan .

We kept walking between the forest , I heard whispers of snarl which were slowly increasing . The growling and snarling was now audible as If we were between it .

We were between the walkers ,
"Don't use guns , we don't want any trouble making sounds " , we all sticked together and started walking further , a walker leaped running towards Lucio's back , I thrusted my machete through its throut .

William trying to protect Zoey walked backwards to watch the opposite side and ill fatedly fell of , he was then beneath  a zombie , Noah smashed its head and helped William to stand up , I saw  blood flowing near his shoulder and calamatiously it was a zombie bite .

Struggling continuesly between the walkers we were now in an open area and had a great chance of running towards the seaport infront of us .

THE DEATH PASSAGEWhere stories live. Discover now