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POV - Lucio

Everything appeared proceeding okay , I founded the best girl , established a strong bond with her and we now had alied with these guys .

But furthermore within a second , the scene entirely changed , Khabib came inside and just threw everything admonishing that it was human meat .

Beyond everything , Me , Sarrah and Khabib were being spellbind somewhere inside the warehouse , I didn't know . I was extremely anxious about dad, he also might have been in there captivation somewhere else , I didn't know where they kept him and I just hoped that he was okay .

I didn't know why Khabib shot Arthur , though Arthur was still alive .

Wanda's words were encircling my brain, " do they hurt dad , cause he was the one injured "
I asked myself , but I had faith that he was hale and hearty somewhere .

We occured inside a small room , in front of me was Khabib nearly unconscious lying prostrate and Sarrah struggling to wake him up .

Sarrah was crying watching his dad bleed and also Khabib's wound was pretty much in bad condition . I couldn't figure out why did they left food and water for us .

I hugged Sarrah and embraced her
, " everything will be upright , we're going to get out of here ", I holded her arms and tried to make her feel better . I splashed a little amount of water on Khabib's face , flickering his eyes , he tried to get upp.

Supporting him from back and holding his hands we made him sit ,

" doo . . . Don't worry , um okay " he spoke reviving from insensitivity .

He took sometime to recover from his pain , we ate the food we were provided with . I asked about what happened inside and what is going on ," these peaple are monsters , they survive by killing other human. I don't know , what they did with your dad , but we must first get out of here " , Khabib spoke .

" I don't know ? Was he taking me as a fool , I knew he was hiding something "

spoke within my mind .

Without speaking anything further we started to search for any exit . But there seemed no escape from that room . The room was probably a box , with nothing but a door .

The was an air ventelator above the ground level .

"If someone get out through this channel , it can open the door from outside and we can escape " Freddie suggested .

Sarrah was the only one who could fit in that channel . I didn't wanted Sarrah to go alone out there . We also had to remove the screws out , Luckily Khabib had a screwdriver , which he handled me .

I silently removed the screws and we saw a hope to get out from there .

" Sarrah my child , will you be able to do it ? I don't think I should send you alone outside "

" Neither I " i spoke .

" Don't worry , I can do it and if I won't we'll all die here" saying this we lifted her towards the channel , she went inside uncomfortably , within seconds the front door unlocked and we were out . We were hostaged in a room inside the warehouse . Blood all over tiles and walls I saw , and other tools were also kept on a wooden table , We picked up anything we could find to defend ourselves .

I took a knife from the table .

By removing the dry grass rolls aside from our way , we at a leisurely pace started moving out of the warehouse .

James was outside the warehouse , working on the generator . We all hid inside the walls of the warehouse , any mistake could kill all of us .
I don't know what was going inside Khabib's head cause James was carrying a gun .

" take this hammer , as he enters here , hit him hard with with it "
He commanded ,he threw a stone near the warehouse door . James turned around his face , he was making his way inside , he took his first step inside and saw me , before he could do anything I slammed the hammer on his face .

"Good work " Khabib saying this dragged his body inside hiding it under the grass . Khabib took his pistol .

" We don't have to worry about Arthur , he is worstly injured " Sarrah spoke . The voice of his fall was too loud. The zombies were surrounding the area , they were now all around the quarter.

Wanda with a shotgun In her hands walked out of the house , " I'm gonna smash your heads , mothafuckers "

shouting this she walked forward . We all were in open , and before we could get cover she aimed at Sarrah and triggered the gun . . .

luckily she missed , she added the second bullet but till then the zombie horde was behind her .

They were now over her " you know how we killed that asshole Freddie and how we. . ." A blooming voice of pistol passed near my ear and I saw her face crack , Khabib headshot her, her jaw burst and left hanging on her skin . The walkers had surrounded all over the farm . She was speaking further , before it her mouth didn't left to speak .

The zombies teared his hand of and releashed his whole body .

I stood still at my place , thinking of what she spoke . "Come on Lucio , get in here " I could here someone screeching but wasn't able to react , my head was ceased at the sentence that bitch spoke .

A tight hand pushed me inside the truck . . . And within the movement we drove out of the farm

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