Chapter 19: The Shadow

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That night, I dreamed of the shadow again.

It wasn't friendly, but it didn't feel foreign. It was just there, watching me watching it. I was alarmed, however, for the ominous presence in my dream felt weirdly related to Madeline's statement about a shadow.

What did it want? Why now?

I flinched when the dark silhouette beckoned at me. The point of its finger wasn't aiming at my direction, but to my left. I wished not to let it out of my sight, but the Shadow seemed persistent; it wanted me to look at where it was indicating.

"Whatever are you?" I managed to breathe out.

No answer. The Shadow shook its head.

Sighing, I glanced from the corner of my eye to my left. A table. A book. And a...






"Oh my god," I cried out, pressing my trembling hands against my mouth. Dream or not, this was a terrifying sight to behold. "What is this? Why is such a thing here?"

Yet again, the Shadow didn't utter a word. In fact, the hand that had been tirelessly pointing now moved at an alarming speed and penetrated its pitch black, murky chest, where a heart should be sheltered.

"Your... it's your heart?" I asked. The Shadow nodded once. Then, it dragged the hand out of its chest, a dark liquid cascading down the slender fingers. Blood? The Shadow was bleeding? "You... carved it out youself?"

I shivered; the Shadow had shaken its head.

"Do you want to hurt me? Are you a friend?" my heart roared against my ribcage and I wondered whether I wanted to receive a honest answer or not. Calm down, it's just a dream. It cannot hurt you. But Madeline didn't make this Shadow sound like a friendly entity. She did seem to relate its appearance with the Neverland book, though.

The silhouette hovered closer to me. It tilted its head, then glanced at the disturbing bloody organ on the table, then back at me, pointing.

My words fell faster out of my mouth. "I didn't do anything!" another shake of its head. It didn't blame me. "Do you ask me if I know something?"

No, it silently gestured.

"Then... I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't understand what you're asking."

In the blink of an eye, the Shadow was right in front of me. It plunged its hand again in the chest, this time more violently, pulled it out and once more raised its index finger. My eyes widened at the realization and I gasped, shaking my head profusely.

"I would never do such thing! To anyone!" firstly, it's disgusting. And secondly, I quite doubted one could as easily carve a heart out of someone's chest as the Shadow made it appear. It was physically impossible.

The Shadow tilted its head. The reaction reminded me of a curious cat. Did it not believe me?

"Who did this to you? Peter?" those two must definitely be associated somehow, since the book, which was connected to Peter, was here.

The Shadow's shoulders shook uncontrollably, its arms wrapped around its stomach. Was it laughing at me?

"A no would suffice, you know." I muttered but the Shadow must have heard me, for it quickly ceased rocking back and forth. That reaction deeply troubled me.

It certainly knew which Peter she was talking about. Why would the thought of him, however, be considered ridiculous? Was he not capable of it, physically or mentally? Logically speaking, no one was. But logic was not to be trusted with matters concerning Peter Pan and Neverland.

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