Chapter 2

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Jack Gilinsky. That's who I see, I'm surprised because he is usually late to class. He is staring down on his phone, I quickly run to the back of the room hoping not to get noticed. Luckily he never knew I was there, until the teacher did attendance. "Avery Parker", the teacher spoke. Everyone turned to look at me, and Jack of course had a smirk on his face that burned my eyes. "Here", I replied. He was still staring at me until I put my head down, he slowly turned away. Mrs. Keller gave us our locker and out locks and told us to put our belongings in our locker and then we had homeroom to our self. We got our schedule a few weeks before school started so we were already prepared. The whole time I was on my phone while everyone was socializing. Suddenly, I felt breathing on my neck and heard the words, "Get ready, it's coming" , I turned around to see Jack smirking at me while he sat down in his seat. I was shaking and I think people noticed. The bell rang, and I quickly started to text Natasha:
(A: Avery | N: Natasha)
A: hurry and meet me in front of Mrs.Keller's room. Jack is about to do something. SOS!
N: I'm on my way be there in like 2 minutes!
It was too late, I suddenly saw Jack and his group slowly approach me. I tried to sprint/walk to the bathroom but before I knew it Jack grabbed my arm. As soon as he did that, the bell rang, he didn't care if he was late and I'm pretty sure he didn't care if I was late. All the kids were no longer in the hallways they were in their 1st period class. Jack pushed me against the locker, "You can't escape now" he said while a devious smile was put on his face. Then his "goons", held me against the locker, while Jack punched and kicked me in the stomach several times. Finally he stopped and I felt like dying, I had a few bruises and blood spots. I went to the bathroom, fixed my self, and wiped away the tears. I made my way to my second period class, obviously late. Luckily Jack and his friends weren't in my class, but Brad Smith, the grades biggest perv was. I walked in and Mr.Peters instantly said, "Avery Parker, late on the first day of school, really?" . "I'm sorry sir , it won't happen again" i told him. He shook his head and continued talking, I sat in the back of the room and minded my own business. After 2 more periods it was finally lunch time, I was finally gonna be with Natasha. I spotted her at a two person table, I waved next to her and walked me and my lunch to the table. "Hey, I'm sorry I couldn't be there when you texted me the bell rang." She said in a guilty tone. "It's okay but he did it again" , I said while slowly pulling up my t-shirt to show the bruises on my stomach. "Oh my gosh! I will take care of this I promise you stay right here" with that she walked away I didn't know where she was going so I just kept eating. 5 seconds later I heard the words, "What the heck" being yelled across the cafeteria. I turned around to see Natasha with a empty bowl and Gilinsky (I'm going to refer to him as Gilinsky) with soup streaming down his face and onto his lap. "That's what you get for hurting my best friend" Natasha yelled. She threw the bowl on his lap and walked away, all eyes were on Gilinsky then back to Natasha. He quickly stormed out of the lunch room, god knows where he went. "Wow, good job Natasha and thank you ILYSM" I told her while laughing. "Hey I gotta do what I gotta do" she said also laughing. Lunch was soon over and before you knew it so was school. I was surprised because I didn't see Gilinsky in any of our classes (he has the same afternoon classes with me). I ignored it and walked to my car, I got in and turned on the radio and "Steal My Girl" was on. I screamed the lyrics because I loved one direction so much. I backed out of the school parking lot and drove to my house. As soon as I got out of the car and into my home, I saw a note on the counter saying: "Your dad and I will be on a business trip for the next 2 weeks, I trust you and Brittany will be good Bye, Love you, Mom". "P.S the Gilinsky's have a spare key to the house to check up on you guys". I started crying because now Gilinsky has a key to my house, what if he comes in at the middle of the night. Suddenly I heard footsteps, and I knew it wasn't Brittany because she is at her photoshoot. I saw a figure in the corner of my eye. I was about to turn my head around when I heard the words........

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