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Third person's pov

When the morning came, Wanda and Yelena arrived at Steve's residence . They ring the bell and waited impatiently.

"Why are they taking so long to answer? Ugh it's pissing me off..." Wanda whispered at Yelena with a big frown plastered on her face.

"I know right? I swear I'll argue with Steve once he opens the door." Yelena added.

Natasha heard the bell and turned to Steve who's about to get it.

"Don't. Let them wait." Natasha chuckled while brushing her hair. Amethyst who's eating her breakfast giggles.

"Natasha you knew your sisters. They are very peevish, and I bet you twenty bucks they are muttering right now. Do you really wanna risk our peaceful morning by their yellings?" Steve speculated at Natasha who just rolled her eyes.

"You talk too much, go get it." Steve then went to open the door. "Your papa is very speech-y babygirl, is he like that to you too? He talks more than the old man..."  Natasha told Amethyst. The little girl nods her head and whispers.

"He is always like that mama, he's like Mickey Mouse." Amethyst giggles along with Natasha.

On the other side, The time Steve opened the door he saw the big frowns plastered on Wanda and Yelena's faces. Just like what they told to each other, they showered Steve with complains then soon they began bickering to each other.

"What the hell? Why didn't you answer the door the time we rang the bell?! We've been waiting for almost two minutes doritohead!" Wanda whines with her arms crossed.

"What the fuck...." Steve muttered under his breath, afraid to be heard. "You two are unbelievable, two minutes guys! Two minutes! I would understand if you two have been waiting for an hour or two, but seriously? a hundred and 20 seconds is not that long!" Steve reasoned.

Yelena rolled her eyes, "Whatever, we still waited."

Natasha with her daughter Amethyst heard their childish bickering. Natasha slapped her forehead mentally at her sisters childishness.

'For fuck's sake, why are they like this Lord... Are they even my sisters? ugh.' Natasha thought to herself.

"Mama why are they arguing?" Amethyst asked with her little innocent face.

"They're not arguing my love, they're just... being uhm... minions." Natasha said with a forced smile. She wanted to tell her daughter that they are being little shitheads but that's inappropriate to say at a five years old kid.

"Should I give them bananas? Minions likes bananas right?"

Natasha laughed out loud at her daughter's suggestion. Her child took it literally, she went to get three pieces of banana and hand them to Amethyst. "Yes they do, go give these to them." Natasha urged laughing. Amethyst stood up and walks towards her aunties and father.

Amethyst poked Wanda and hands her a piece of banana innocently. Wanda accepts the fruit and gave Amethyst a look of confusion. "Uh... thank you? But why are you giving each of us a banana Daisy?"

"Mama said you three are being a minions so I gave each of you a banana!" Amethyst replied enthusiastically.

"Excuse me? Minions?" Yelena scoffed, folding her arms.

"Well you're kinda short auntie..." Natasha heard what her daughter said as she approaches them and laughed hysterically.

"Natasha stop laughing!"

"Oh my gosh I can't! HAHAHAHA." Natasha kept laughing at Yelena who's turning red by a minute, seems like a steam is coming off from her ears soon!

After a good minute, Natasha finally stopped laughing. She cleared her throat and began to speak, "Ehem! Uh I have an important meeting today, Steve have tons of papers to sign so we'll leave our daughter with the two of you. Take care of her and DON'T you dare teach her things that's not appropriate."

"Blah blah blah whatever you say mama Rogers." Wanda teased, causing Natasha to blushed heavily. Steve turns his face to the side room but a smile starts to creep in his face.

"W-what?" Natasha sputtered, cheeks turned into crimson.

"Nothing, off you go lovers." Yelena butted in shooing Steve and Natasha. Amethyst wrapped her tiny little arms on Natasha's waist looking up to her.

"Do you really have to go?"

Natasha awed at the sight of her daughter, she kneeled down to be at the same level to her daughter and caresses Amethyst hair. "Daisy sweetie, mama will be back before dinner alright? I just have to finish my errands, you'll see me later." She told, kissing Amethyst forehead. Amethyst just gave a nod and a sweet smile.


Soon they left the home. Steve decided to drive Natasha to their company, while doing so, he intertwines their hands just like before.

Natasha secretly smiled at the gesture. "Soooo you'll fetch me later?"

"Yeah, give me a call when you're finished?" He responded, kissing Natasha's knuckles lightly.

"Mmm." Natasha hummed.

After minutes of driving they've arrived outside Natasha's company. Steve hadn't let go of Natasha's hand so then she leaned in smacking his lips with hers before whispering. "You might wanna let go of my hand baby..."

Steve's cheeks flushed, He immediately let go of her hand. "R-right!"

Natasha chucked at his reactions and gave him a light kiss again. "You're being too cute. I should go before I missed the meeting."

"A'right laters baby." He said smirking then winked at her.

Natasha blushed at his reference. She didn't retort instead she turned her back at him and walked a little but faster.

"Such an idiot..."


Hey how are you all? Sorry for taking so long to upload.🙈

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