distance (dad!sam)

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you look at your dad, disappointment filling his eyes as he hears the words from your head teacher. it's true, you did knock out three students. they've been bullying you for a while and whilst it wasn't bothering you, your situation at home got you feeling so lonely and upset, you lashed out.

you're sat in the office with your dad and head teacher, you know dean and cas will be waiting outside the room for you. your head is lay on your hands and you're trying not to feel sorry for yourself.

in all your sixteen years of being alive, you've never once gotten into trouble. not like this. you can't stand the thought of your dad being disappointed in you and you're dreading the conversation on the way home.

the reason you hit out at the bullies is because of your home life. you and your dad have always been super close, even as you grew up. he said you're a delight of a teenager and you've always been a good kid. you're sure he's taking that back now. recently, your dad has been more distant with you. you've seen less of him due to hunting lately and you've seen more of cas. not that you're complaining, he's entertaining too but you miss that relationship with you dad and you can't help but feel like you've done something wrong, something to upset him. any hopes of getting that relationship back are gone now anyway, this will really piss him off.

you don't notice that your headteacher has dismissed the pair of you and you realise how serious this is when you get outside and don't see your two uncles waiting for you.

"let me hear your side of the story." sam says flatly and without looking at you.

you gulp and talk through a hoarse voice. you don't want to be in trouble with him, "they were bullying me, they have been for months. you always told me if someone hits me, hit back."

that's when he notices the small bruise around my lip. he says nothing but he puts his arm around your shoulder, pulling you in for a slight hug as you walk. somehow, this is nice. you've missed your dad. this gesture makes you start to sniffle a little and you dad looks at you with kind eyes.

"i'm not mad y/n," he says, "it was self defence. yeah maybe you shouldn't have beaten them to a pulp just because you can but they hit first, you did what you had to."

you wipe your eyes before owning up to sam about what's really been bothering you. you're feeling honest today, "i've missed you so much."

he looks a little confused before guilt fills his face, "missed me?"

"you've been going away so much," you put emphasis on the away so he recognises that you mean hunting, "i haven't seen you properly for so long. i felt like i'd done something to upset you or to annoy you and you didn't want to see me."

you make it to deans car, tears still steadily flowing down your face. damn being honest is sad. sam puts his hands on your shoulders and leans down a little to meet your eyes.

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