stars ≠ angels (cas x reader)

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a gentle, mid-summers breeze sings through the air, catching your hair as you speed walk up towards a hill. your hair whips around your face, hiding the wide, bright smile that dances on your lips. castiel isn't far behind, he himself enjoying the view of you. he loves to see you so happy, so carefree. it's almost as though the world isn't constantly ending and the fate of it lies in your hands, y'know, hunter things.

"y/n i would've appreciated this much more if you just let me flash us to the top of the hill." cas complains.

"quit complaining cas, this is all part of the fun." you smile, rushing on up ahead, rounding the corner and appearing up on top of the hill. once you are there, cas groans and vanishes, appearing seconds laters besides you.

"i don't do walking." he states.

you pout and frown at cas, "you ruin all the fun."

cas's faces softens and he steps forward quickly, "i don't mean to offend yo-"

you grab his cheeks and pull him in for a quick kiss. he still doesn't quite understand human humour and you have to remind him that you're just joking.

he smiles as you pull back, admiring how carefree you look. you plop yourself onto the floor, lying down on your back as cas hovers over your body, staring down at you with a tilted head in confusion.

"lie down cas." you tell him, holding your hand up for his to grab. he lowers himself to the floor and holds your hand, sitting upright.

"cas?" you mumble quietly, sitting up too and resting your head on his shoulder, staring out across the barren field as the night sky darkens.

he tilts his head again, resting it on top of yours as he lets out a deep sigh.

"what's wrong cas," you ask, "you seem stressed."

"i worry about you," he says, slipping his arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him, "i understand that you want us to relax tonight but i always fear someone will try and take you away from me."

"baby," you mumble, pressing a heartwarming kiss to his shoulder, "i know you would never let anybody take me away. don't worry cas."

"i can't help myself." he mumbles.

"if anyone did take me you know they'd bring me back after five minutes, i talk too much." you joke.

cas cracks a smile but still looks apprehensive. you push him down by his shoulders so he's lay on the long grass and you lie directly beside him, intertwining your hands together.

"what're we looking for?" he asks curiously.

"stars." you say, pointing up to the night sky.

the brilliantly dark sky has started to highlight the enigmatic lights in the distance. scattered across the world like a painting, powerfully bright pops of green, purple, gold and blue flicker in the sky, beautiful glows emanating off of each source. for something so tiny and undistinguished, the stars are something beautiful, especially on this evening. a glowing pattern of stars, all falling into attention, are a spectacle of the night. the dancing stars flicker everlastingly and you smile watching them. you have forever been infatuated with space.

"did you know that most stars are between one and ten billion years old?" you tell cas.

"but how do you know? you can't ask them." he says.

you chuckle, "scientists know these things cas. a lot of the stars in the sky are either dying or dead. if a star is 10,000 light years away, it means the light emitted left them about 10,000 years ago."

"so how can we still see it?" he asks.

"because they're so spectacular cas." you reply, snuggling up closer to him.

as you watch the flickering bulbs littering the oil-black sky, you feel a gleeful smile make its way onto your face. this. this is bliss. this is normality. sitting here with your boyfriend, stargazing and talking about all the things that make you happy. in reality, none of that is normal. in reality you're sat with your boyfriend who just so happens to be an angel whilst the two of you have escaped briefly from a life of angels, demons and the supernatural to try and experience 'normal'. even so, you feel ordinary here with cas, you feel like your actions don't impact what could happen to seven billion on this planet, you don't feel the literal weight of the world on your shoulders. you feel peace. you feel as though the stars are watching you, granting you happiness as a wish.

"do you want to hear a theory of mine? i came up with this when i was eleven, i didn't know that angels existed then but i always wanted you to be real. i thought, 'well, if there's demons surely there must be angels too? you can't have hell without heaven.' but of course i had never seen you guys or had any evidence of your existence so i made my own theory." you say.

"what is this theory?" cas asks.

"i used to stargaze every possible night. if i wasn't hunting with my brother or my father, i would watch the night sky and think," you say, "i used to think i had a guardian angel looking out for me. one night, i looked up at the stars and saw a beautifully bright star, it flickered a stunning blue, like the ocean and it seemed brighter than all the other stars. i thought to myself that maybe stars are angels, watching over people."

cas turns his head so that his forehead is resting next to your head. he leans forward and kisses your cheek.

"obviously i know my theory is busted now because i know about you guys," you smile, closing your eyes and gratefully accepting cas's kiss, "but i remember the first time i met you in that barn with bobby and dean i looked into your eyes and saw the star from when i was a kid. your blue eyes just reminded me of that night, looking up at the star that i thought was meant for me. that's what i mean when i say it was love at first sight with you, i just knew from looking into your eyes that we were meant to be."

cas smiles a little, feeling pride and happiness. you lift your head and rest it on his chest. you feel his arms wrap around you protectively and he reaches up to brush your hair out of the way.

"i don't think your theory is stupid," cas says, "maybe we are connected to stars. maybe you're right. if you are, i can promise you that i was that star watching over you."

you smile happily and clutch cas closely, "thanks cas, you don't know how much that means to me."

"do you see that star anymore?" cas asks.

"i used to see it nearly every night until i met you." you say.

"then i think you're right," he says, "i'm the star dedicated to you, and you're my angel."

you smile and look up, sliding up to cas's face and kissing him passionately underneath the watchful eyes of the stars, or maybe the angels, who knows?


1185 words

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