loving you (dean x reader)

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loving dean winchester is a near impossible challenge. a challenge that you took upon yourself to pass, which you did. loving somebody as self-loathing and stubborn and smart is difficult. he's too smart for his own good, he's too stubborn to listen to anyone else's point of view once he's made his mind up and he's so self-loathing it crushes you knowing how he feels about himself.

this being said, arguments between you and dean were rare. the two of you rarely find conflict in your relationship and, whilst dean can be frustrating, you always listen to him and negotiate with him. what you never expected was to argue with dean over something so trivial and mundane as jealousy.

you and dean have recently worked a hunt in your hometown which was refreshing for you. what you didn't expect was to see your ex-boyfriend, the one you left when your family was murdered by wolves which dragged you into the hunting business, still in your town. the two of you caught up which caused dean to fly into a jealous rage which consequently finished up with him punching a hole in a motel room wall and you arguing with him for the entire drive back to the bunker and continuing the argument there, much to sams surprise who sat out on the hunt and missed the action.

"dean please just leave me alone for a while, go and calm down." you suggest, exhausted from the hunt and from the long argument.

"i'm not leaving until we sort this out." he says stubbornly.

"what's there to sort out? you got jealous over a guy i used to know even though you know full well i only care about you." you say.

"maybe the fact that you decided to hang out with him on a hunt, catch up with him like you're buddies." dean replies.

"goddamnit dean, he's my ex, i left him, we are over, okay? i don't like him, i just thought it'd be nice to see someone from my old life, y'know? i'm so sorry for having a moment of normality, from now on i won't talk to anyone on hunts, including you." you snap, frustrated. you slam your joined bedroom door shut as dean sighs loudly on the other side before storming away.

hurriedly, you change into your comfy pyjamas and settle on yours and deans bed, your headphones in with a soft rock playlist playing as you pick up a book to read. after a while, dean sneaks into the room, shooting you a small look before looking away as you raise your eyebrows at him.

"me and sam are going to a bar, you coming?" dean asks, not realising you have your earphones in.

he turns to face you, praying you aren't giving him the silent treatment, "y/n?" he says, louder, catching your attention.

"what dean?" you ask coldly.

he seems taken aback for a moment, midway through changing his shirt as you pay no attention, still staring at your book.

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