first words (sam x reader)

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————————————————————————BABY SERIES PART 2

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you tickle your baby under his chin gently, watching as he squirms and giggles, "baby boy, can you say mama?"

the silence that follows has been taunting you for nearly an hour now. your baby is one next week and you've been trying to get him to say his first words for a while. you googled it and it told you that most babies speak between 10-15 months for the first time and you really want your baby to talk to you.

"say mama." you say again, brushing your sons hair off his face. he's a cute baby, looks just like his daddy, but has your cute little smile.

"please baby," you say again, grasping his attention, "for me? say mama!" you encourage.

your baby tilts his head and giggles before clapping his hands, "i'll clap hands when you say mama you little rascal."

you sit your baby upright on your knee so he's facing you and you point at yourself, "mama. your turn, say mama. mama."

he grabs out at you and snatches your hair, pulling it a little, "that's not saying mama." you say, releasing your hair from his grasp.

"fine," you huff, "i can't believe i'm saying this but say dada. say dada for me. dada."

he, of course, doesn't respond and whilst you're still upset he won't speak, you're a little bit thankful because you want his first word to be mama.

after another fifteen minutes, you give up miserably, sulking just like a child yourself and putting your son down in his cot to nap.

you walk up to the library in the bunker and find sam sitting with a beer as he does some research. you take a seat next to him and glumly bury your head into his shoulder.

"you okay?" he asks quietly, scrolling through a local newspaper. you all still hunt, taking it in turns on who stays with the baby, and leaving your son with close friends when you're on bigger hunts.

"your baby hates me." you say.

"how come whenever he upsets you he's my baby," sam asks, teasing tone to his voice, "why do you think he hates you?"

"he won't talk. i just want him to say one word." you sigh.

"he will soon enough y/n, he's just taking his time. y'know once he starts talking he won't stop, you should embrace the peace we have now." sam laughs as you smile, wrapping your arms around his middle as he lifts a hand, running it through your hair comfortingly.

"i'll be so mad if he says dada first," you huff, "i birthed him, he should have some respect."

sam laughs again and kisses your head gently, looping his arm around your back as he awkwardly scrolls with his left hand.

"oh god," you gasp, "what if he says dean first? it's less syllables!"

"i don't want that," sam agrees, "new rule, we no longer say deans name around the baby."

you smile and nod, "okay."

as if by magic, dean heads into the library too, phone in his hands. he stops, points at you and smiles, "you ready?"

"yeah." you reply, pulling away from a confused sammy.

"where are you off?"

"dean needs beers and honestly, me too at this point." you laugh.

"we need coffee too." sam says.

"dude stop drinking all the coffee." dean groans.

"that's the point of coffee." sam argues as you roll your eyes.

"okay let's go," you say to dean, "baby is asleep sam so you should get some peace."

sam smiles and watches as you and dean leave the bunker before turning back to his research.

you and dean aren't out too long, you got all the things you needed, essentials for the baby and some presents for his birthday whilst dean teased you about your son still not saying mama. he quickly stopped when you informed him about the ban on his name around the bunker so your son never says it.

the ride back to the bunker is nice. you and dean knew each other before you knew sammy, you worked a case together when sam was at college and you became quite good friends with dean in that time. since meeting sam and sticking around with the brothers after johns disappearance, you and dean have remained the best of friends.

"no no no the best time was when sam got completely hammered and threw up on the job when we were looking at a corpse as the fbi. he nearly blew the case but it was worth it." dean laughs as he drives carefully down the road.

it's nice seeing dean being carefree, just driving his baby and talking to a friend, you appreciate these times with dean, knowing he needs a friend sometimes but is too afraid to reach out.

"you've had your fair share of shitty moments dean," you add, "i'll never forget the time you woke up in the wrong state after going home with a chic."

"alright, since we're comparing our lowest moments, how about when you, on that damn teddy bear case, genuinely considered putting the bear out of its misery whilst the girl watched as a 'teaching' moment?" dean asks.

"well the bear was going to kill itself, i thought it'd be better to make it into a game for her than a suicide." you shrug, pulling out your phone to a video from sam.

you open it up and turn your volume up to see sam filming your baby.

"go on, say it, i know you're trying to." sams voice rings out and dean looks over to the phone.

"say mama, go on, i know you can," he says, "say mama."

"ma." your baby squeaks and sam claps a little, turning the camera around on his phone and setting it down so it's filming the both of them.

"you're nearly there baby," he says, "just say ma two times and you've got it. ma-ma." he says slowly.

"mam." you baby draws out the second m and grins a toothy smile when sam claps him again.

"just a little more," he encourages again, "mama. say mama."

"mama." your baby mumbles and sam smiles brightly, picking your baby up and spinning him around in a circle as he hugs him close, your son squealing the entire time.

"you did it, you said mama!" he praises, laughing along with your baby. your heart melts. not only did your baby say mama but the sight of him with sam, safe in his arms, the two of them happy. it's beautiful.

you read the caption on the video: seems like he hates me more than you!

you pout a little and feel tears fill your eyes. you're sad for missing your sons first words in person but the only thing you can hear in your head now is his voice. now that he's said your name, he feels just that little bit more human.

"hey look at that," dean grins, "the kid finally said it!"

dean glances over at you and sees you fighting back your happy tears, "oh seriously? you're gonna go all sappy on me? can't you be happy and smile like a normal person? happy people don't cry y/n, they're happy!"

"shut up dean," you laugh a little, "they're happy tears, my baby spoke!"

dean takes out his own phone, still mindful of the road ahead of him and films you wiping away your tears before turning the camera onto himself, "gee thanks for sending that video sammy, i really appreciate driving home with your crying girlfriend!"

he sends it to sam with the caption: ... but you all hate me the most :/

"are you okay?" dean asks, smiling.

"yeah," you smile blissfully, "i just can't believe he said mama."


1305 words

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