heart (sam x reader)

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you've known sam for about six months now. he and his brother saved you from your werewolf ex and, after sam took a liking towards you, his brother insisted that you followed them around the country, sticking around for sam. you obliged, you also taking a liking for sam and enjoying his company and since then, the two of you have been quite inseparable.

him and dean have taught you how to hunt, they've taught you the lore, they've hooked you up with fake id's and badges and gotten you some undercover outfits and you really feel like part of their team.

the three of you have caught a case in oregon and are checking it out today, reading about a body found that was supposedly an animal attack but seemed too suspicious to sam and dean to pass up. you all head to oregon, dressed in your fbi attire.

on the drive, you sit in the back between the two brothers, your head peering over sams shoulder to read the newspaper article he's flicking over. the paper is very vague, mentioning nothing about missing body parts, organ or blood which would normally spike your attention but animal attacks, especially bear attacks, are very rare in oregon so you all decided it'd be worth checking out.

when you arrive in the small town in oregon, dean drops you and sam outside the police station, telling you to check over the vic's body whilst he finds a motel and does some research into local animals/lore that could provide an answer.

the two of you head into the small police station, both grabbing your badges and smiling at the cops politely.

"hey, we've come down for the information on the lawrence stephens case." sam says as the officer nods, beckoning his sheriff over.

"odd case for the feds to want." the sheriff says, leading you two towards his office where the case files are.

"you know us, curious as ever." sam replies as you pick up a folder off the table, reading over the post mortem results.

"mind if we take a look at the body?" you ask the sheriff, curious by what you're reading.

"be my guest." he says, pointing you in the direction of the morgue.

"so?" sam asks.

"says here 'missing vital organs' but doesn't specify which ones. honestly you think they'd have better paperwork than this," you sigh as sam chuckles at you, "what's got you laughing, chuckles?"

"you," he smiles, "being all ocd over a dead guys post mortem paperwork."

"well i mean you think they'd put a bit more care into it. they spelt cavity with an e at the end." you roll your eyes, slamming the file shut and striding into the morgue with sam.

you and sam get permission to look at the body and as soon as you do, you start asking questions as sam studies the body.

"what organs were missing?" you ask.

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