research buddies (sam x reader)

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"hey baby," you say quietly from inside the doorway of the library, "i made hot chocolate."

sam looks up and sees you with a blanket draped over your shoulders and two hot mugs of chocolate in your hands. he smiles at you brightly and leans back in his chair.

"you really are the best, you know that?" he says as you walk over to him, a welcoming smile on your face.

you hand him his drink and pull the blanket tighter around your shoulders. you take a seat beside sam and rest your head on his shoulder as you read what he's looking at online.

sam looks at you in admiration. you are sat with your hair in a low, messy ponytail, you are wearing your thick-rimmed 'nerd' glasses as dean calls them and you're wearing sweatpants with an accompaniment of one of sams much too big t-shirts. even so, sam thinks you still look like the most beautiful girl in the world.

he notices you shivering, even under the blanket so he takes the blanket, drapes it over yours and his shoulders, and pulls you closer, slipping an arm around your waist to hold you tightly. you smile at the sweet gesture and cuddle up to sam more as he continues to type with his free hand.

it's 2:56am and the two of you definitely should be asleep but you're both rather similar. you can't sleep if there's work to be done. the case you're working is only just starting therefore there's lots of information for you to gather. you always help sam with research, it's your thing.

"you're really beautiful." sam says out of the blue.

you look up at him briefly, a confused but happy look upon your face, "thanks? i guess."

"i mean no matter what you always look beautiful. i'm so lucky to have you." he says.

you and sam are always saying how lucky you are to have one another and how being together helps you both to feel safe. you two are the perfect match and everybody always agrees to that. castiel once told you that whilst he has no way to know, he fully believes that you and sam are soulmates and says that you are intended to be together.

you smile at him and take his hand from around your back, holding it in both of your hands and sighing slightly, "well you're always so handsome so i have to try hard to fit in."

sam looks at you in disbelief and shakes his head, "you're naturally beautiful and you know it."

"you think so?" you ask.

"trust me y/n, you could have anybody you wanted. anyone would be beyond lucky to have you. i'm really glad that you chose me," he says softly, "when i was planning on asking you out, dean had to keep talking me out of this phase were i thought you would never like someone like me. i thought i was too tall and nerdy and weird for someone like you."

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