firsts (cas x reader)

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the ghost stood in front of you tilts is head, smirks and grabs you by your collar, dragging you towards the stairs where it died. you reach down to your boot, trying to grab your iron blade but to no prevail. the ghost stands you over the stairs, lifting you by your shirt so that you're hovering over the bumpy, painful 9 foot drop. without a word, the ghost flings you powerfully down the stairs, you cursing as you brace your body for the impact of the stone staircase on your back.

before you can come in contact with the stairs, a pair of arms slip under yours and pull you upright, catching you from your fall and setting you straight. the ghost glares at your saviour but before they can attack, the ghost perishes in a fit of flames.

you turn around to the person that saved you, in pure shock from the amount of strength they must have to have caught you falling on a staircase. the man is not in typical hunting attire. he wears a long trench-coat, a thin coating of blood on the collar, with what appears to be a suit.

"thanks," you say, slipping out of the mans arms, "how did you do that?"

"do what?" he asks, his voice deep.

"catch me, falling from mid air, on a staircase." you say blankly.

"oh," he says, "i'm not meant to tell normal people who i am, dean said not to tell people."

"dean? dean winchester?" you ask.

the man nods, "how do you know him?"

"i come across him on a few hunts, he's a friend of mine." you reply.

"so you hunt?" the man asks.

"yeah, why else would i be here?"

"we drove past, saw someone was in the house and thought the ghost claimed somebody else so i stayed to help out whilst sam and dean went to burn the bones, i didn't realise another hunter was already on the hunt." the man says.

"me neither," you say, "can you tell me who you are now?"

he nods, "i'm castiel, i'm an angel."

"an angel," you smile and chuckle a little, "aren't you guys supposed to be dicks according to dean?"

castiel smiles and nods, "yes, the majority of us are 'dicks' as dean would say."

the two of you make your way down the staircase after you pick up your salt loaded shot gun that fell down the stairs just before you did.

"i guess i'll be seeing more of you now castiel." you say, walking through the door and spotting your car parked a few steps away.

"i didn't catch your name." he says.

"oh," you smile at him, "i'm y/n."

he smiles back at you and watches you intently as you head to your car, putting your gun away, "see ya castiel, thanks again for saving me."

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