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Art is mine btw (sorry it looks bad it was rushed)
Chapter not edited.

"Do I really have to make the call?" I facepalm, falling back first into the bench. Haru grunts softly too tired to give a proper answer.

I took a deep breath in and stretched my body finding the strength to stand up again. Whipping out my phone, I dialled Daisuke's cell. I mean, hopefully this IS his cell. The last time I called him, I was yelling my lungs out pissed at him for showing up late. Turns out i was actually screaming at his butler who had picked up the phone to tell me Daisuke already left. The poor guy.

"Maybe you should just-"

"Just do it, it's not like that will repeat a second time." He snaps.

"Alright, alright! Man this is so stupid!"

"What's so stupid?" I jumped from the sudden voice in my ear.

"O-oh sorry..umm Daisuke, you got some time right now?" I glance at Haru with my eyebrows furrowed into a small glare. He held up his hands in defence signalling that I keep talking.

"Yeah. Hurry up and get to the point."

"Sorry to do this to you while your off duty, but could you help me with something? Well...it's not like I NEED your help but umm..."

"I don't mind heading over." My eyes lighten like a 10 year old on Christmas Day, ecstatic.

"GOOD! See you at the park in 10 then!" With a single click I hung up, shooting a glance at the kid looking for his dog. He really wasn't going to give up, was he?

"You look pretty tired (Y/N). Just go to sleep for now, I know how you act if you don't get your full rest anyways." Haru brushed the lint off his shoulder so that I could use him as a pillow. I gave him a tired smile eyes watery from the amount of yawns that slipped past my mouth.

"Thanks brother." Just as I was about to close my eyes, a pair of footsteps approached the two of us.

"Hey. What do you want? Hurry up and get to the point." Daisuke demanded. Rubbing my eyes, I point over to the kid beating around the bushes calling out to his missing puppy.

"Is this the man?" The kid ran over and pointed at Daisuke.

"Mister! Could you please find my dog Shiro for me?" He pouted. Daisuke glanced around us confused as hell.

"What's going on?" He asks.

"Basically, this kids puppy 'Shiro' as he calls him...has gone missing." Haru explains. "Can you use your AI butler to find him?"

"What kind of characteristics does this dog have?"

"He's all white, tiny and cute!" The little boy described.

"Apparently the dogs leash got loose when they were playing in the park." I add.

Daisuke's facial expression changed from an annoyed one to a mildly shocked one. "That's impossible." He replied.

"Psh, don't be such a cheapskate." Haru groaned.

"I'm just not doing so well today." Daisuke threw off.

𝐴 𝑅𝑢𝑛 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑀𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑦 (𝙙𝙖𝙞𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙚.𝙠)♪Where stories live. Discover now