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(Hey guys! Friendly reminder that you can reread the ending of the last chapter in case you may have forgot what happened. Take care)🖤


Senpai it will be alright." Kamei reassured. Haru had a scowl on his face as our group walked to the higher-ups office.

"The incident was what it was, but this is probably just a formality, right?"

Haru didnt answer either of them.

Mahoro approached him from the side and held up a packet of gummies she had bought all the way from the Fujian Province because it was rumoured to bring in 'good luck'.

"Looks like an overpriced booger to me...." I snickered, making sure she couldn't hear me. Kamei started howling with laughter.

Haru gagged after putting it in his mouth, but I gave him a hard pat on the shoulder causing him to swallow it.

"Please cheer up, Kato-san~!" Mahoro smiled.

"Thats right, we did something even the First Division couldn't do!" Kamei offered a thumbs up.

"Thanks everyone." Haru smiles. Everytime I see his happy face, it causes me to smile as well. What can I say? I'm a proud sister.

Our moment cut short as we were then called into the head office, which was a fairly large room.

I felt my foot step on something kind of crunchy..and smooth? I looked down only to find I was stepping down hard right on Daisuke Kambes clean, uncreased real leather dress shoes.

"Sorry." I said plainly walking inside before he could reply. I dont dislike Daisuke, im just scared i might feel something for gim if he talks to me again.

How cliche.

"Now, lets address this properly. You six caused immense chaos during the investigation process, and on top of that you allowed the suspect to die."

I bite my lip eagerly, resisting the urge to defend ourselves. Like the First Division could have done anything better...

"The truth now remains shrouded in mystery." He finished.

He studies all of our faces carefully.

"Depending on the situation, this may result in more than just a simple pay cut...anything you would all like to say?"

It was dead quiet in the room. I was almost convinced everyone could hear the beating of my heart pumping in my chest.

Suddenly but slowly, Yumoto raised his hand.

"We were taking a break as Inspector Kato and Inspector (L/N) instructed!"

"We were."

"I tried to stop him, I was ordered by the pair so I had no choice." Kamei said. Was he filing his nails or am i just b l i n d?

I shook my head displeased realizing these little snakes were bending the truth, but at the same time they were right.

"Inspector Kato, please refrain from arbitrary comments." Wait what did he say? Zoned out for a little back their.

Haru didn't listen and continued anyway. "Its true we allowed the suspect to die, but we did save the Presidents life." He shrugged. Was he not taking this seriously? We could be fired...

"That was the result of Officer Saeki communicating with the embassy's old janitor, was it not? You have nothing to do with it."

I was trying to think of how I would know we contributed to stopping the bomb and saving the president, but that would mean i would have to go up to Daisuke and collectively talk about it. What a pain...

𝐴 𝑅𝑢𝑛 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑀𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑦 (𝙙𝙖𝙞𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙚.𝙠)♪Where stories live. Discover now