Chapter 1

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"Eva, girl, I'm not even kidding you have to come with me to this party, I can't be alone there. I would die of embarrassment."

"Charlotte, dude, you know I don't like parties, or people. Just ask Julia, or better yet your own sister to go with you."

"Why would I ask them, when I could ask my best friend in the wholeeeeeee entire world. Please just do me a solid. Just this once. And if you don't come with me I'll post that picture of you with your braces in the 7th grade while you wore that stupid onesie"

"Fine fine fine I'll go. You piss me off sometimes, ya' know that?"

Evangeline McLester replayed the conversation she had with her friend Charlotte in her head. Evangeline was not a party person. The drinking, loud noises, the people, it was all just too much for her. She almost said no when her best friend begged her to come along to the 'biggest party of the year', almost.  But, Evangeline decided to go, because after all, Charlotte was her best friend. 

Charlotte drove her car to the party with Evangeline in the passenger seat. Charlotte had gotten all dressed up, skin tight shirt, jeans so ripped they can't possibly be considered pants anymore, fancy shoes, and a lot of makeup. Evangeline could care less what she wore. She had on a hoodie and leggings, and wore a pair of the dirtiest sneaks known to earth. She listened to her friend ramble on about how amazing the party was going to be.

"Hey Char, guess what?" Evangeline asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Let me guess... you don't care about how great this party is going to be?"Charlotte knew Evangeline too well. 

"Ding Ding Ding.. you just won a million dollars with the most accurate response I've ever heard" Evangeline replied, keeping her sarcastic tone.

"Eva..... thank you for coming with me again, you're a lifesaver. Now, when we get there you need to let loose and have fun, OK?" Evangeline rolled her eyes but nodded. Maybe this party would end up being a good one. Charlotte squealed as she pulled up to the house. She did a quick look in the mirror and then hurried out of the car. Evangeline followed behind slowly, taking a look at the house. It was a freakin' mansion. It was the biggest house she had ever seen. There were multiple colored lights going off inside the house as her and Charlotte walked up the steps to the front door. Charlotte opened the front door, without ringing the doorbell, and Evangeline was hit with loud music and the smell of stale beer. She sauntered into the house, following closely behind her friend. 

Immediately a red solo cup was placed into her hand once she closed the door. She smelled the cup and gagged. This shit smells like straight vodka she thought. She took a sip regardless and tried to loosen up for Charlotte's sake. She tried to stay close to her friend, but soon got lost into the crowd of people standing around her. Evangeline spotted some people that she knew, but no one here that she considered her 'friend'. Her head started to hurt from the music that was turned up way to high. She shuffled her way through the sea of people in the living room, and found a quieter place in the back of the house. It looked like some sort of storage room, filled with tons of boxes. She sat down pushing her long brown hair out of her face wishing that she never came to the party. Checking her phone was useless too, everything on social media was about the stupid party she was at.

"Mind if I sit down?" Evangeline looked up from her phone to find a boy standing in front of her. She took notice of his rugged, but cute brown hair,  and ocean blue eyes. 

"Uhh sure, I don't know if you'll have much fun here though, the party seems to be that way." She lifted her finger and pointed to where all the people were at. He looked at her in total shock, and she lifted her eyebrow at the expression he was making.

"Hold up, YOU CAN SEE ME" The boy's face was an expression of confusion, shock, and pure happiness. He took a seat right next to Evangeline. 

"Yes I can see you shithead, jeez how much did you have to drink?" This guy must be wasted, she thought. She found herself staring at his face again. She had to admit she was a sucker for brown hair and blue eyes. His jawline was a harder cut, and the dude seemed like he had muscle. She also took notice of his smile, which seemed to be getting bigger by every second that passed. 

"I didn't have anything to drink, I was just making a statement" the boy said. He smiled sheepishly. "Why are you over here by yourself?" he asked. 

"Parties and me don't mix, I'm just here for a friend, wherever she is, I don't know" Evangeline replied. "And now your over here so I guess I'm not by myself anymore, so thanks for that I guess"

"Your welcome, I'm glad to be of service" Damn this dude doesn't stop smiling, it's kinda cute she thought. The dude stared at her for what seemed like an eternity before speaking again. "Are you a junior or senior?" he asked. 

"Senior, although I look like I could be a freshman, how about you?

The boy frowned for a fraction of a second. Evangeline swore she saw a hint of sadness on his face, but it was replaced by that ever occurring smile. 

"Senior as well." There was a moment of silence between the two. She stared at his eyes again, they were such a vibrant ice blue. I love your eyes, she thought.

"Uhhh thanks, I like your eyes too I guess, a mix between blue and green with some yellow I think"

She snapped out of staring at his eyes. "Shit did I just say that out loud?" she asked. He nodded and chuckled. She silently cursed herself out for being stupid. She felt her cheeks heat up. He smiled at her again. 

"You smile a lot, it annoys me."

"Ohhhh so no more compliments I see how it is," the boy pretended to act hurt, but she knew he was joking. "I'll just stop smiling, will that work for you?" he asked.

"Yeah actually that would be so much better, thank you so much" she laughed a genuine laugh, and felt somewhat happy that she came to this party. 

"HEY DUDE wha' are you doin' here by yoself you should be wit' the rest of the people livin' it up" Charlotte slurred her words as she walked into the room and stood in front of Evangeline. It was clear that she had already had too much to drink despite only being there for about an hour. She chugged the rest of whatever was in the cup she had been holding, and tossed it to the ground. 

"Char you've clearly had too much to drink tonight, we're going home now. But this is uhhh..." she pointed to the boy but before realizing that she didn't know his name yet.

"Yeah and i've had too much to drink" Charlotte rolled her eyes and pulled Evangeline up from where she was sitting before she could ask him his name. Evangeline looked over to the boy and shrugged giving him an apologetic face.  "Hey Eva can ya' take me home I'm not feelin' too hot at the moment."

"Sorry I've uhh got to go but nice to meet you" she smiled at the boy before practically carrying Charlotte out of the house and into her car. She slapped the seatbelt across Charlotte and drove off.

"Eva broski" Charlotte hiccuped, "who were ya' talkin' too I didn't see nobody around."

"Jeez Char how much did you have to drink, did you not see the cute ass boy sitting right next to me?" Charlotte shrugged and put her head against the window. Evangeline shook her. She knew that for the rest of the night she would probably be holding back Charlotte's hair while she threw up the multiple drinks she had probably consumed. Evangeline sighed. Well, tonights gonna suck even more now she thought. 

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