Chapter 10

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Evangeline met Charlotte early Monday. For some reason Charlotte said they needed to meet early, and just the two of them. She told her it was urgent and important business. She found Charlotte in the school's library, in between the bookshelves. 

"Charlotte why the hell are you making me come early? To school, of all places."

"I have something I need to ask you."

"And you couldn't of texted me? Or asked me on Friday?" Evangeline laughed, but Charlotte shook her head.

"I'm serious Eva, it's important."

"Ok fine fine, what do you need to ask me?"

"What's rule number two Eva?" Evangeline was taken aback. She had completely forgotten the packt they made in the 7th grade. 

"Tell eachother everything, because that's what best friends are for."

"Good. So tell me what you're hiding. I know you're holding something out on us." Evangeline scoffed.

"What are you talking about? I'm not hiding anything" Charlotte shook her head, knowing that Evangeline was lying. 

"Stop lying to me dude. I know something is wrong. And I bet it has to do with your friend Asher too." Evangeline broke her eye contact with Charlotte, signaling that Asher was the problem. 

"If I tell you, you wont believe me."

"Try me Eva. Why wouldn't I believe it?"

"Because it's absolutely fucking crazy, thats why." Charlotte put her hands on her hips, waiting for Evangeline to spill the beans. Evangeline spoke slowly.

"You remember how Julia said that Asher could of been a ghost." Charlotte nodded. "Yeah, well... she was right." Charlotte wanted to laugh, but the look on Evangeline's face was complete seriousness. 

"So you're telling me that you've been talking to a ghost?" 

"See, I knew you wouldn't believe me."

"Eva, it's not that I don't believe you, but I'm just trying to make sense of this."

"Yeah, well i've been talking to a ghost. Asher is the only one from his bus that is like this. I'm the only one who can see him too. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true, I swear." Evangeline let out a deep sigh, wondering how she had gotten herself into this mess. Charlotte thought for a moment. 

"Ok, well I believe you." Evangeline looked at Charlotte with her eyebrows raised. 

"You do? Just like that?"

Charlotte nodded. "Yeah I believe you, why would you lie about something like this? Soooo when can I meet him?"

"Charlotte, no one else is able to see him. I'm the only one. It's weird, I know, but it's true."

"Well when are you seeing him again?"

"This Friday after school. Were going to try and figure all of this out."

"Alright, I'm coming with you then. And don't even try and say no. I'm coming" Charlotte said grinning. Evangeline knew not to try and argue with Charlotte, she always won. Evangeline walked closer to Charlotte and gave her a hug. 

"What was that for?" Charlotte asked.

Evangeline spoke. "It's for believing me. Thank you Char." Charlotte smiled.

"Alright, let's get our asses to our usual spot. The girls are probably there by now." They walked off and exited the library. But what they didn't know was that a boy had been listening in on their conversation. He sat near the computers, with a book close to his face. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number, holding up the phone to his ear.

"Yeah, we've got her. Turns out you were right Jim. Yeah she just told her friend everything. Yes yes I know, I'll keep a close eye on her. When are you going to get her? Ok, I'll be around when it happens." He ended the phone call and picked up his backpack, walking out of the library blending in to the sea of students that surrounded him. 

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