Chapter 5

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Evangeline had seen Asher by accident the next Friday, walking home from school. She was walking through the park when she spotted him sitting on the usual bench. She walked up to him and sat down beside him, looking him in the eyes. He looked at her reluctantly.

"Asher," she thought about what to say for a second, "how come I don't know anything about you?" He gave her a small smile before speaking.

"I guess we just haven't talked about it."

"Okkk, so then let's talk about it. Do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah a younger sister, Claire. And a dog, his name's Lucky."

"Cute. What do your parents do?"

"Their jobs are so boring. My mom is a lawyer and my dad works for a construction company." A pause of silence occured between the two, but it wasn't awkward. Evangeline couldn't help but continue to stare at his eyes. They were so blue, and they looked like they held so much mystery. She found that he was looking at her too.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing." she replied. Another pause of silence. "Actually there is something I wanted to ask you."

"Ok shoot."

"This is going to sound really weird, but are you like hiding something from me? I don't know I feel like I just know nothing about you." She saw his shoulders tense. "See, right there, you tensed up, so what are you hiding from me Ash?"

"I'm not hiding anything, I'm just quiet." He gave a small smile, but Evangeline wasnt believing it. A gust of wind blew, and she pulled her sweatshirt tighter to her body. She shivered from the cold October weather. She scooted closer to Ash, but he quickly slid towards the end of the bench. She ignored his movement and instead took notice of what Asher was wearing. He had on a tank top and shorts, and looked like the cold didn't bother him one bit.

"Asher how are you not cold. It's freezing out here" she stated. Asher looked at his clothes and then up at her.

"I don't know, I just like the cold weather I guess" he laughed. He looked down at his hands, and the silence continued. Evangeline didn't mind it, but she wished he would just start up the conversation again. She went to place her hand on top of his.

"What are you doing?" he quickly pulled his hands away before hers could meet his. He stood up quickly and backed away.

"Ash, what the hell is wrong?"

"Nothing, I just don't like being touched OK" his words came out more of a yell, and Evangeline felt a pang in her chest.

"Ok. Fine. Whatever. Be weird again. I just don't understand what's wrong with you Ash. It's like you want to hang out with me but you never want to share about yourself or be close to me. And don't think I didn't see when you slid away from me. I'm not blind." She let out that sentence and took a deep breath. Instead of answering calmly, Asher shook his head.

"It's not like I have to tell you everything Eva. Jeez, take a chill pill, people are allowed to have secrets."

"So you admit you're hiding something then?" He didn't answer her question.

"Eva, I have to go OK. I have to watch my sister." He spoke with sadness and anger. He turned around and started walking away from Evangeline.

"Where does this leave us?" Evangeline asked. He stopped and turned around.

"I don't know Eva. I'll see you around." He turned again and she watched him walk off. She sat on the bench wondering what the hell just went down, and she felt tears rolling down her cheeks. She picked up her backpack and continued on her journey home. Pulling out her phone she texted the girls' group chat.

Evangeline: Hey, is there a party going on this weekend anywhere?

Charlotte: Who are you and what have you done with Eva?

Evangeline: Im serious Char, any parties?

Charlotte: Of course there is. There's one tomorrow at Chris' house at 7pm. You guys know him right? Football team, friends with the asshole Ethan.

Emily: Guys Ethans not that bad.

Charlotte: Dude he literally ran into you and said it was your fault.

Evangeline: Yeah Em', he's an ass. But I'm down. I need a break from life.

Emily: Are you sure Eva? You're not really a party girl.

Julia: Yeah girl, I don't think this is a good idea.

Evangeline: I'll be fine don't worry. Meet at my house tomorrow, I'll drive us there.

The girls all agreed that they would go to the party. Evangeline really wasn't a party person, but she needed an escape from all the Asher drama. Walking into the driveway of her house she concocted a solid lie that she would tell her mom. The girls are gonna come over and then we're going to dinner, and then back to Julia's house to sleepover. Evangeline smiled to herself, congratulating her on her well thought plan. Tomorrow, she thought, I'm going to have some fun.

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