Chapter 16

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Evangeline screamed for what she thought was the millionth time. After a few rough hours of sleep, she was jolted awake by two men grabbing her by the sides. They yanked her up from her fetal position on the floor and dragged her out of her 'room'. They pulled her down a long hallway, and went into another room. It was filled with all sorts of technology and science stuff. In the center of the room was a big asylum looking chair, which Evangeline assumed was for her. They threw her in the chair and strapped her legs and arms down. They left the room without a word. So what did she start to do, well, she started screaming. 

"HELP. GET ME OUT OF HERE. SOMEONE. ANYONE." Her throat was dry from the countless times she had screamed. There were all these different tools in the room, and that terrified Evangeline. The last thing she needed was one of them inside her. There were no windows in the room, so she couldn't tell what time of day it was. The walls were the same boring white color as the room she was previously in, and there was another wall with the fogged glass. She assumed it was for more observation. She tried wriggling out of the chair, but she knew it was pointless. After what seemed like hours of sitting there, something finally happened. A door opened, and an old man walked in. He looked to be in his 80's and he had a gray mustache. He walked up to Evangeline and smiled sadly. 

"Hello Evangeline, I'm Brahms. Do you know why you're here?" She nodded.

"Because I can talk to ghosts. Please Brahms you have to get me out of here. I need to get back to my family." He looked at her with kinder eyes than what she saw on Ethan, but something about this man was off. 

"I'm afraid we can't do that just yet Evangeline. You see, here our goal is to know everything there is about communicating with the dead. And we need your help with that."

"I don't know what you want from me. It's as simple as it is. I can talk with ghosts, that's all I can do. So can I go now?" Her voice rose slightly and he glared at her.

"Now young lady, there's no need to get snappy. We just want to know a few things. First off, have you ever seen any of the ghosts you talk to pick up things, can they move things at all?"

"No." She didn't elaborate any further. She leaned her head back in the chair, making it seem as if she didn't give a shit. Brahms noticed it too, because he shifted his posture. 

"Ok, next question, have you ever touched a ghost. What I mean by that is have you even been able to physically touch them without going through them?"


"How many of them have you met?" She gave him a cunning smile. She hoped to get Brahms angry in hopes that he would leave her alone.

"A decent amount."

"Can you give me a specific number?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." Brahmans clenched his wrinkly old fists. He took a step closer to her.

"Young lady, do not make me use force on you. Answer the questions or suffer." Evangeline didn't need to be told twice. As much as she wanted to rile him up, she did not want to find out what those tools were used for. 

"Two. A boy and a girl."

"Very good. Can I have names?"

"Asher and Sarah."

"Last names?"

"I don't know" she lied. He nodded, sensing she was lying.

"I'll ask you again Evangeline. Last. Names." 

"I'll tell you again. I. Don't. Know." Brahms walked up to Evangeline until he was inches away from her face. He looked like he was about to strike. But instead he took a step back and folded his hands together. 

"Very well. Next question. Did you have any romantic feelings with either of them?"


"Don't lie to me again."

"Yes. I liked Asher."

"Did he like you back?" Evangeline nodded. She didn't understand how on earth this would help the 'government' with what they needed. What did feelings have to do with the paranormal? She closed her eyes for a second, until she heard her stomach growl. Brahms heard it too, she was sure, but he ignored it. 

"Have you been able to do anything else with your gift?" he asked her. But right then and there the only thing she could now think about was food. She felt starved and wondered how long she had been in the building.

"Can I get some food or something?"

"Yes, after we're done."

"But what if I want food now."

"Evangeline," he rubbed the temples of his head, showing that he was getting annoyed, "let's just finish up the questions and then you can eat something."

"How about, I get some food now, and then I'll answer your questions later." She raised her eyebrow. 

"That's not how this works Evangeline. You're our prisoner. You do what we say." His voice was rising. 

"How. About. Not." She imagined herself crossing her arms, but they were strapped to the armrests. Something inside of Brahmins must have snapped, because he took his hand and went to slap her across the face. But something inside Evangeline stirred. She broke her one arm free of the restraint, and blocked Brahms from hitting her. He looked at her appalled. Evangeline looked at her arm. How the hell did I do that? There must of been a screw loose or the fabric was faulty, she thought. Brahmans stepped away from her. He turned around and looked at the glass wall. 

"I'm hoping you guys just saw that," he said to the wall. A loud speaker came on.

"Yes Brahms. That's enough for today. Good job." Brahms took one last look at Evangeline. He looked at her with sadness? Evangeline couldn't tell what expression he was making. He turned and walked to the door he had come in previously. But to Evangeline's astonishment, instead of Brahms opening the door, he walked right through it. 

Brahms was a fucking ghost. 

And Evangeline had just touched him. 

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