Chapter 19

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Hazel spoke like she was telling a story. The group all listened closely to what she had to say.

"No one really knows when ghosts like us started to appear. And no one knows when the first seers started to appear. Everyone assumes it was more recently, but I believe this has been happening for quite some time. For the people who can see ghosts, it's not genetic or anything. It's just completely at random with whom it happens to. Now with us," she motioned to Asher and Sarah, "things are quite simple. We can move objects, and we can project our voices to non seers. But that's basically it."

"So we can't make ourselves seen by our families?" Asher asked. Hazel shook her head, and Asher frowned, looking at the ground.

"I'm afraid not my dear. But with your case however, it's quite different." He looked up at Hazel again, hope glimmering in his eyes. "You see, Evangeline is quite a special case. I've heard that there's only a few others like her. What she can do is extraordinary. Yes, she can see us and communicate with us, but she is capable of so much more" Hazel stopped for a second, catching her breath before continuing. "Evangeline can make ghosts seen by other people. What I've heard is that anger is what causes it. But I've also heard that true love, as corny as it sounds, also causes it. What you did with Asher, I'm pretty sure it was a mixture of both."

"Wait, so am I bringing you guys back to life?" Evangeline questioned.

"No, I'm afraid not. The dead are dead, and not even you can change that. But your power can also be harnessed into strength. It can enhance it quite some bit."

"So that's why I was able to rip out of the restraints back at the building then?"

"Well, I don't know what happened there, but I'm assuming so. The other thing you can do is touch us. I heard it takes tremendous effort, but it's been done before. And I have a feeling you already know that." She glanced from her to Asher, and Evangeline realized she had probably seen her punch him.

"Why can't I go see my family?" Everyone turned to see Asher. He looked on the verge of tears.

"Asher, hon, think this out. Your family learned to live without you. What would happen if they saw you again? And then what if you had to leave? You'd put them through the same pain they felt when you died. You can't just walk back into your old life." Asher put his head on his hands. Evangeline saw a tear fall, and she wished she knew what to do, but she didn't. She had no idea what his pain was like. Hazel started to speak to Asher, but then she stopped herself, instead turning towards Ethan.

"So, young man, you've caused quite some trouble haven't you?" He nodded, looking ashamed. "It's alright dear, you have plenty of time to redeem yourself." Just then, a noise erupted out of nowhere. Ethan and Evangeline covered their ears, falling to the floor in pain. The rest of the group however, were perfectly fine.

"Ethan? Evangeline? What's going on?" Charlotte yelled, a worried look taking over her face.

"Frequencies! There are frequencies only people like us can hear. They had them back at the compound." He turned to Evangeline, who was groaning in pain. "They're here." As soon as he said those words, the front door was slammed open. Two men walked in, neither of which Evangeline had seen before. They wore black suits and looked to be in their mid 20s. Evangeline and Ethan wriggled in pain for what seemed to Evangeline like hours. The two men finally turned off the wretched noise, and Evangeline and Ethan stood up slowly.

"Connor, David, what are you guys doing here?" asked Ethan. He walked up to them like they were old friends and smiled at them. Neither of them returned the smile, instead they pushed him away from them.

"Were here to finish what you started Ethan" the one man, Connor said. He grabbed Evangeline by her arm and yanked her towards him. "You're coming with us young lady, we're not done with you yet." Evangeline tried getting free of his grasp, but he was holding her too tightly.

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