Chapter 20

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Evangeline could see Asher getting weaker and weaker as the minutes passed on. His words scared her. She didn't want him to leave. Over the short time she had gotten to know him, she had fallen in love with him, and she didn't want to lose that. She wished she could help him, but she had no idea how.

"Hazel, tell me what to do, how can I stop this?," she asked. She talked fast, but Hazel understood what she was asking.

"Evangeline dear, there's nothing you can do to stop this. It's his time to go. And I think for me and Sarah, our time here is up as well." Evangeline tore her eyes off of Asher to look at Hazel.

"What? What do you mean your time is up?"

"We have fulfilled what we needed to do. Whatever it was, and now it's time for us to move on. Sarah, you can feel it too right? It's like a rope is pulling us towards a different path." Evangeline looked to Sarah, who nodded, tears welling up in her face again.

"Eva, I'm so sorry. I feel it too. It's time for me to go." Sarah gave a small smile.

"You guys can't go. I just got to know you. You can't leave." Sarah and Hazel stood up, Evangeline following their motion. She walked over to each of them, giving them a hug. This time, instead of going through them, she was actually able to hug them back. Charlotte, who had been watching the situation unfold, looked up and saw Hazel and Sarah for the first time. She stood up.

"Damn Sarah, you look beautiful," Charlotte said. Her and Sarah shared a laugh, but it was soon turned to tears. "You can't just stay a little longer? I mean I'm just seeing you for the first time."

"Charlotte, I would love to but I just can't. But it's been so much fun getting to know you." The strangest thing started to happen. Sarah and Hazel started to fade away. Slowly, they started to become see through. Evangeline sobbed.

"Don't leave, please don't leave," she said in between sobs.

"Who knows Evangeline, we might see eachother again some time. It's been a pleasure meeting you," Hazel said.

"Thank you Hazel, for everything. I wouldn't be alive without you." The girls, and Ethan, watched as Hazel faded away... and then she was gone. Sarah was still with them, but she too was disappearing more quickly.

"My girls, thank you for making me feel alive again. It's been nice to hang out with people for a change." Her voice was becoming more distant.

"Sarah, me and Evangeline won't forget you, ok? We won't forget," Charlotte said. There was so much compassion and care in Charlotte's voice, and Evangeline realized that her and Sarah must've gotten closer while she was imprisoned.

"You guys better not forget me. Charlotte I'll miss you so much, you too Evangeline. Take care of eachother." She turned to Ethan, who hadn't said a word. He didn't look affected by what was happening, but Evangeline saw one tear roll down his cheek. "You," she said, pointing her finger at him, "take care of these two. Or I'll make sure I come back and haunt you for the rest of your life," she joked. He nodded shortly, giving a feeble smile. Sarah looked down at the still weakening Asher. She bent down, putting her hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry Ash, everything's gonna be alright. I'll see you soon." And those were her last words as she vanished into thin air. Charlotte and Evangeline continued to cry, but they sat near Asher again. Asher's eyes were opened slightly, and he looked to Evangeline.

"Eva-" he started, but coughed.

"Yeah, Ash what is it, what do you need me to do?" Evangeline took his hand in hers. Slowly Asher stood up, though he was having much trouble doing it.

"I want to go to the park, the one by your house. I want it to be my last view." She nodded, and gave him support as they walked towards the door. "Just you and me ok?"

"Yeah Asher, whatever you want." Asher turned to face Charlotte.

"It's been a ride Charlotte. Thank you for being my friend." Charlotte nodded. She had wanted to say something, but she choked on her own words. Evangeline spoke to Charlotte.

"Can I borrow your car keys?" Charlotte nodded, taking her keys out of her pocket and tossing them to Evangeline. Evangeline said thank you to Charlotte, and opened the front door, walking out with Asher.

"Ethan," Asher called, right before leaving the house. Ethan had been staring at the floor, but looked up at Asher. "Take care of them please. And thank you for helping us get Evangeline out of that building." Ethan cleared his throat.

"No problem man, I'll uhh try my best." The two walked out of the door, Evangeline closing it behind her. She unlocked Charlotte's car, and helped Asher inside. The sun was officially rising, giving the whole area a nice orange glow. They drove in silence, Evangeline speeding towards the park. The only noise in the car was the occasional cough from Asher. They arrived at the park after about ten minutes of driving. Evangeline helped Asher out of the car, and they made their way in the park. Evangeline knew where Asher wanted to go, and led them towards the bench they always sat at. They both took a seat, Asher relaxing in the chair. He turned to face her.

"This is where I told you everything, remember? It seems like so long ago." She laughed.

"Yeah, I remember. And I'm glad it happened. Asher meeting you has been the best thing that has happened to me."

"Me too. Eva?," he asked. His voice had gotten more shaky.

"Yeah Ash?"

"I don't want to die. I mean, I know I'm already dead, but still, I'm not ready to leave this place." Evangeline nodded. She had tried to keep herself from tearing up again, but hearing Asher speak, she couldn't handle it.

"I don't want you to go either Ash."

"Maybe this is what I need. To be with my other classmates. To finally be free. I've been here for too long."

"I will never forget you Asher. Remember that ok? I love you so much. You've made my life so amazing."

"And you've made my life amazing. Can you do something for me?," he asked. She nodded. "I want you to find my family. Make a letter or something. Just tell them that I'm ok. That I love them so much. Can you do that?"

"Yes Ash, of course."

"Good." He shivered, and scooted closer to Evangeline. He held up his hand, and noticed that it had started to become more transparent. His eyes teared up, and he started crying. "It's happening Evangeline. I'm not ready." She pulled him closer, and they kissed. They kissed passionately, knowing that it would be the last time it would be happening. "Hold on to me Eva ok? Don't let go." She pulled him in, almost like a mother cradling a baby. She watched as his body became more transparent. They placed their heads together, both of them crying.

"I love you Ash, my Ocean Eyes," she said, giving a small laugh.

"And I love you too Eva." He smiled. Those were the last words Evangeline would hear from Asher. He closed his eyes, knowing his time was up. But before he completely left, he opened his eyes again. And the last thing Evangeline saw was his ocean blue eyes. Then he was gone, leaving Evangeline in the park by herself. She pulled her knees to her chest and cried. She thought about all the times they had hung out. How close they had gotten since they first met. And Evangeline remembered her first time meeting him. Thinking he was drunk because he asked her if she could see him. And she remembered the moment she looked into his eyes... his ocean blue eyes, falling madly in love, with a person that wasn't even alive. 

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