Homicidal Liu/Sully x Reader

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-Homicidal Liu/Sully POV-

(Name) Joined us a few months ago, she was a killer just like me, Sully and Jeff. I was surprised when Sully said that he liked her, like as a person. Though it did get on his nerves when she'd step in when him and Jeff would try to endlessly kill each other. Another thing I liked about her was how she knew which one was which, which one was Sully, and which one was Liu. She also made me laugh and smile. Before I knew it, I fell for her and I fell for her hard. Even Sully did, I could tell, even though he'd never admit it. But today, today was going to be different.

-Present time-

I got to my room and slammed the door, "Dammit Sully! Just help me out here!" I screamed, Sully yelled out in annoyance, "Oh just give it up! You know feelings are stupid! I mean, your literally protecting the person that tried to kill you!" Sully argued. I growled, "Oh come on! Let's be honest here, if it weren't for him you wouldn't even be here!" I said coldly. That really seemed to piss off Sully. Sully gained control of my right arm and tore at my face, undo some of my stitches. I cried in agony, I tried to keep Sully at bay, using all my strength to keep my, his hand away. Just then, (Name) came in with a panicked look on her face "Hey, hey, hey! Stop fighting!" She pleaded, me and Sully looked up at her with surprised eyes. I saw hurt in her eyes, she really didn't like it when we fought. (Name) held out her hand to me, "Let's go fix up your stitches real fast, then we can talk this through." She said, trying to sound calm even though she was shuddering. "Ugh.." Sully groaned in my head, I took her hand and she lead me to the bathroom. (Name) grabbed the first-aid and started to take out the stitches and needles. (Name) walked over to me and sat down the first-aid kit, "I would be lying if I said this wasn't going to hurt." She said with a small smile, I sighed and nodded. (Name) began to restitch my stitches, the pain rived through my face, and Sully was trying to gain control but I wasn't going to let him. I wasn't going to let him hurt (Name). Once she was done, she grabbed a soft cloth and cleaned up the blood with it. I didn't even know it but Sully gained control, "You could have been a bit more gentler, eh?" He said with an annoyed voice, "Sorry, but if I went any gentler the stitches wouldn't have been tight enough." She said with a nervous smile. Sully sighed, "Let's go talk this out, yeah?" (Name) said in a nervous voice. "Hey man let me out!" I yelled from the subconscious, "Yeah, yeah, just hold on a minute." Sully thought, I groaned and waited for him to finish what the hell he was doing. "Fine, let's just go to my room, where it's private. I don't want that asshole Jeff butting in." Sully said stoically. (Name) smiled and grabbed my hand, "Let's go then!" I felt a warmth to my cheeks, even though I was still stuck in the subconscious I could still feel what was happening with my body. Sully let me have control and we walked to my bedroom. "So, Sully's gone red faced huh?" I said tauntingly to Sully within my mind. "HEY! SHUT YOUR TRAP LIU!" He complained. I could feel him get redder even from within the subconscious. I chuckled as we entered my bedroom and sat down on my bed, "What was the fight all about? I don't like it when you two fight!" (Name) said as she returned to her concerned demeanor. I stayed quiet for a minute, "Well, it's kind of hard to explain." I said as I put the hands on the back of my neck. I could feel the annoyance coming from Sully deep in my soul. Sully then took control out of the blue and growled, "We like you, okay!?" He shouted. I felt my heart sink, and glow at the same time. Sully did have feelings for (Name), just was too scared to admit it. I gained control once again and I looked at (Name) in fear, she looked shocked. I couldn't handle the tension and embarrassment and I shot up and began to stomp out of the room. I was stopped when I felt arms wrap around my body. I turned and I saw (Name)'s face of worry and hurt. I felt bad, I blew it. I like her too, I hope she liked me despite what I had just done. "Hey, don't do that alright?" She said in a slightly hurt voice. I felt my heart shatter, "Nice going." I sighed, "Sorry, I just... Didn't expect Sully to do that." I apologized to (Name) and Sully.

-Your POV-

I let go of Liu only to be pulled back into Liu's arms. I gently hugged him back, still trying to process the words Sully said. Liu sighed, "So, do you have an answer?" Liu asked, I was caught off guard by Liu's question. Liu pulled away and looked at me, "Sully confessed our feelings for you, do you feel the same way about us?" Liu shocked me, but I already knew my answer. I love them both, flaws and all "Yeah, I do." I said with a small smile on my face, Liu and Sully smiled back. "I'm glad." Liu and Sully said, I couldn't help but smile. Liu hugged me again and I felt a small peck on my neck. I giggled and hugged him back, before I knew it Sully took over and he kissed me. I kissed back, I could tell it was Sully cause it was rough and lustful. Liu took control once again and he made the kiss gentle and kind. "I love you, (Name)." Liu said softly. I nodded, "I love you too, you to Sully." I said as I pulled them into another hug.

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