Kate The Chaser x Masky

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(This was requested by @RoseisTrashP)

-Masky POV-

"Masky, do you understand your task?" Slenderman asked. Without words I nodded.

"And you Kate?" Slender turned to the woman next to me. She nodded and stuffed her hands into her hands in her hoodie pockets.

"Good, I will leave you two to it." In a blink of an eye Slenderman was gone. A man had recently made camp in the Slenderman woods, and it was going to be our job to kill him if Slenderman couldn't. For whatever reason, Slender loved a good game of cats and mouse. The abandoned building was dark and decrepit. It sent a shiver down my spine if I'm being honest. Me and Kate had worked together before. But it was along with Hoodie and Toby. So we didn't really socialize. Kate began to walk away. No words, nothing. I followed her and ended up in the darkest place in the building. She sat down on the floor.

"Sorry that it's dark." Kate said softly. With a sigh I responded.

"It's fine." I responded shortly. It was already midnight, so all we had to do is wait. The awkward silence made an uneasy feeling settle in the pit of my stomach. It made me feel compelled to say something.

"So..." I said awkwardly. Kate turned her head to me. She looked like she was going to say something, but stopped herself and looked away. Things were quiet. To quiet. It was honestly annoying. Without even thinking, I began to look around the room. Well, as best I could since it was almost pitch black. After realizing it was no use I turned back to Kate.

"Why are you-" Before I could finish my sentence footsteps loudly echoed. It was faint, but just loud enough to hear. Kate jumped up and ran out of the room. I grabbed the crowbar that lay beside me and ran after her. She was definitely fast, she wasn't called 'Kate The Chaser' for nothing. That's a damn fact. Suddenly Kate stopped. I attempted to stop but slid a bit. Now I was a bit closer to her than I anticipated. Kate stayed silent. Seemingly listening for something.

"They're going down a hallway, we can ambush them." Kate whispered, keeping her eyes in front of her. I nodded, showing I understood.

"You go down that way, and I'll go this way." Kate gestured past me as she spoke.

"You got it." I muttered. Kate ran in her direction and I started to go mine. My footsteps echoed loudly in the hallways. As I ran, a soft static filled my ears and a loud scream sounded from above me. It was the target. A smirk made its way onto my face. I turned the corner and searched for stairs or any way to get to the floor above. There was nothing. I ran into the next hall and there were stairs. Another scream sounded but it was different. It sounded more like Kate. Without even partly registering the other possibilities I ran up the stairs and made my way to the source of the scream. Kate sprinted past me. Loud inhuman hiss like noises vocalized from Kate. It sounded like she was pissed. I ran behind her. When I looked past her there was a man who looked to be around my age. He had a flashlight in his hand. The light wildly swung from place to place in the hallway.

"What do you want from me!?" The man sobbed. Kate hissed and leaped onto the man. But unfortunately, the victim still had access to the flashlight. He shined the flashlight in Kate's eyes. The woman screamed and jumped back. She held her face tightly. As the man struggled to get to his feet I ran up to him. Only to be blinded by the bright light. It wasn't too bad. I didn't even flinch. Everything turned a bright color and it became hard to see. Despite this I continued to run towards the man. Kate had sprung back into action and leaped once again. But landed hard on the ground. Our victim had gotten up. He shined the flashlight at Kate again before running again. Kate yelped in pain. She held her face once again and yelled in pain. Now, this was something I haven't seen before.

"Kate? Are you okay?" I asked. Right after those words escaped my mouth I was surprised. I spoke without thinking.

"No..." Kate muttered. For some reason, I was worried. I crouched down and patted Kate on the back.

"Don't worry, we'll get the bastard." I promised, a smug look behind my mask. Kate sighed and nodded. Another scream echoed from the halls.

"Let's go before he gets away." I said, getting up. A hum of static filled my ears. Then it got louder. I turned and saw Slenderman.

"Problems?" He asked, tilting his head.

"Sorry sir, I let him get away." I said apologetically. Slenderman hummed in response.

"I will let it slip this time." Slenderman said shortly before disappearing. Kate got up.

"Thanks, Masky." She said softly. I nodded and started to go down the hallway. Kate quickly followed, not saying another word.

-Kate The Chaser POV-

I honed into the sound of our footsteps echoing through the hallway. My eyes strained to try to adjust to the darkness once again, the blinding light still lingering in my vision. A warm feeling fluttered around in my belly. But why? This night felt as if it had sped up. Everything was going so quickly. My thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sounds of shuffling. I stopped and turned to my right. It was coming from the storage room. Masky stopped and turned to me.

"Something wrong?" he asked, his voice keeping a stoic tone.

"He's in here." I whispered. Masky gripped his crowbar with both hands and started to quietly walk next to me. Just then, a loud crash came from inside the room. Without thinking twice I ran in. The man was messing with the breaker box. As he did, I sprinted at him and jumped on him. He screamed and struggled to get out of my grip. In the end, I let him go to let Masky take over. Masky ran past me and swung the crowbar at the man. But, the victim rolled and sprinted away. I ran after him. He ran into the boiler room. Our footsteps echoed in the empty room. Making it easier to hear. The fleeing victim ran up metal stairs


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I ran behind him and once again tackled him. We both struggled for a bit before he pushed me off and over the rails.

-Masky POV-

In a blink of an eye, Kate was falling a story down to the ground. In a panic I sprinted to where Kate was falling. I caught her in my arms.

-Memory End-

I walked into the dark and eerie building.

"Kate?" I shouted. My voice bounced off the walls. I continued to walk down the hall and look around random corners.

"You here?" I shouted again. Suddenly loud and fast footsteps started to get louder and closer. It was hard to tell where they were coming from. I turned around, looking down the hall trying to find the source. Something crashed into me, wrapping their arms around me. It was Kate.

"Happy to see you too." I said in a teasing tone. Kate loosened her grip and took off her mask. Her face wore a pout at my teasing manner. I chuckled and placed a small kiss to her head. It was our 2nd year anniversary. And every year I made it my job to sneak away to see her. It was always nice to hold her in my arms even if it was only for a short time.

"I love you." I said softly. Kate smiled and rested her head on my chest.

"Love you too."

(I AM SO SORRY THAT THIS TOOK SO LONG! I DON'T KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON IN MY LIFE.... I just couldn't focus. Hope you enjoyed it!)

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