Offenderman x Savage!Reader Pt2

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I was on a mission, a small one. I had to kill off some campers that are causing trouble and difficulties around the mansion. I hid in the trees and patiently waited for everyone to go to sleep. Once they did, I smile and grabbed my knife. I brushed the blade against the fabric of the tent. "What the hell is that?" A girl whimpered, "I don't know!" Another girl snapped. "Hey! Shut the fuck up!" A boy barked. I smiled and quickly cut the fabric of the tent and crawled inside, I stabbed the boy in the back and it killed him instantly. The two girls froze, they were too scared to make even one sound. In one quick movement I slit both of their throats at the same time. I exited through the hole I made in the tent and walked to the other one, I quickly opened the tent and went into a frenzy. I made a gruesome seen with the bodies inside the tent and then quickly left. When I arrived back at the mansion, I came through the door covered in blood. Jeff turned to me, "What took you so long?" He asked. "I had to track down the campsite and then I had to wait for them to 'go to sleep'." I said with a large smirk, Jeff growled. "Did you just-" "Yup!" I interrupted Jeff before he could finish and I trotted upstairs to take a shower. I threw my dirty clothes into my hamper and hopped into the shower. I washed the blood off of my face and hands and relaxed my aching muscles. I finished up quickly and got into more comfortable clothes. I heard a knock on my bedroom door, "Enter." I said in a welcoming voice. Slenderman entered my room, "(Name), do you have time to talk?" He asked. I nodded and sat down on my bed, "Always!" I said jokingly. Slender closed the door behind him and then turned back to me, "Offender was asking about you." Slender's words caught me off guard, "W-what!?" I exclaimed. "Yes, he was wondering when you were free. He wants to hangout with you." I felt a small heat rise to my cheeks, "W-well, I'm free almost any time..." I mumbled just loud enough for Slender to hear. Slender nodded, "Offender noted that he's free tomorrow, if your okay with it I'll call him and tell him that you;ll go with him." Slender said calmly. I nodded, beginning to cover my face. Slender left the room and left me to my own devices.

-The next morning-

I woke up early and got dressed, I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I was nervous about today, I was going to hang out with THE Offenderman. Slender said he'd stop by to pick me up, even though I'm one of the most hostile and savage Proxy's, I was still nervous. I put on some warmer clothes due to the fall breeze, I sighed and went down stairs. I could tell tension was high, I mean based on what I was doing why wouldn't it be? I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned and saw Jeff. He had a smug smile on his face, "Jeez (Name), you have a lot of confidence." Jeff said jokingly, I sighed. "It's not like I have much of a choice, Offender won't take 'no' for an answer." I stated nervously. Jeff chuckled, "Slender said he's going to be here soon, so prepare yourself." Jeff said as he walked away. I growled and flipped him off as he walked out of the room. I put on my shoes then I waited, I sat and talked with BEN for a while until I felt a presence, just like the first time I met Offender. Sooner than later, there was a knock on the door and I felt a shiver run up my spine. I walked to the door and opened it, revealing Offender in his normal attire (But with pants.... Yay.). "Good morning, (Name)." Offender greeted, I smiled. "Good morning to you too!" I said in a friendly tone, trying to cover up my nervousness. "Are you ready?" Offender asked with a large smile on his face, I nodded and left.

We were wondering around the empty park, it was abandoned but it looked very nice in the fall. We sat down on an old bench and we talked for a while. Offender chuckled, "Your face is so fucking adorable, and I bet the rest of you is to~" Offender teased lustfully. I felt a heat rise to my face, "Are you blushing?" Offender asked. "Wh-what, No." I defended. "Did I get the savage, hardcore, total badass (Name) to blush?" Offender teased, "No... I-it's the cold." I retorted softly. Offender puffed, "Huh, it's the cold and not the fact I said the truth?" Offender got closer. The heat on my face scorched, "N-no.." My voice cracked. Offender backed off and smiled, he then scooted closer to me. I felt my heart pounding, I had a warm feeling over flowing inside of me. I didn't know what it was, I'd never felt like this before. Offender grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him, my heart fluttered and knots tied inside my stomach. Offender leaned down, giving me a chance to back away but I didn't. Offender broke the distance and kissed me passionately, I kissed him back shyly. Offender pulled back and smiled genuinely, "I love you, (Name)." He said in a docile and kind tone. I smiled, "I love you too."

(Yeah, I still didn't capture the savage in this.... This is the last one so~ yeah. Sorry about dat!)

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