Smile Dog x Runt!Wolf!Reader

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(I'm going to put this into three parts, so enjoy~)

I was joining a very powerful being, Slenderman. I was a Undead Humanoid Creature, I was a ghost per say, but I was taking over a wolf's body. I was a famous, hostile and ruthless serial killer that was killed by my own father. I was put on a chain and I was being led by Slenderman, I also was wearing a muzzle since I was very hostile at times. As Slenderman opened the door, everyone turned. "Everyone, please gather in the living room." Slenderman's words rang inside my head. In a few minutes everyone was gathered, only one thing caught my eye. It was a large and fluffy husky with a very peculiar toothy smile. "I want to introduce a new... Asset joining us." Slender paused during his sentence, like he didn't know how to introduce me. It did make sense though, I was literally an undead ghost inside an animal's body. The husky tilted his head, "Who is it?" A man asked. 'Oh right, I'm still behind the couch.' Slender pulled on the chain, I growled and reluctantly came out from behind the couch. Everyone was a little confused, except one. A guy with blonde hair and blood dripping down from his demonic eyes gasped like a middle school child, "It's a dog!?" He exclaimed. I wanted to facepalm myself, but I couldn't do that. "Correction, a Undead Humanoid trapped inside a wolf's body." I was pleased with Slenderman's correction. "A fucking what now?" A raspy voice snapped, "Are you sure that's a wolf? I mean, it's really small." I turned to the direction of the voice, despite me being a person deep inside I still took offense to being called small. I growled beneath my breath at the white masked man. He threw his hands up in surrender and I turned away, "Yes, she is a wolf. You will treat her like you would anyone else here." Slender demanded. Everyone nodded to show they understood, I scratched at the muzzle with my front paw. The muzzle was tight and irritating, "What's her name?" A woman asked. "(Name), her name is (Name)" Slender answered. The fluffy husky walked up to me, making me feel on-edge and paranoid. My ears went back and I got into a defensive pose (Look at the chart above). "(Name)? That's what Slender said, correct?" The husky asked, I nodded. "I'm Smile Dog, but just Smiles is fine." He introduced. I felt a scowl on my snout, "Okay..." I was very on edge. Having almost all eyes on you and being trapped in a body that is not your own can be unsettling. "(Name), please come with me." Slender pulled at the chain, I did as he asked and followed him upstairs. He opened a door and I stared into the almost empty room. It was dimly lit and the window had bars covering the outside of it

 It was dimly lit and the window had bars covering the outside of it

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(Sorry for the speed drawing!)

"This will be your room, you can come to me if you want to add or change anything." I nodded showing I understood, Slenderman unchained me and hung it in the room leaving me with my metal collar. "I will leave you to settle in." Slender said as he disappeared in a blink of an eye. I sighed and walked in, pushing the door closed behind me. I went over to the blanket and laid down on it, it was soft and comfortable. I looked down to my aching pads and saw they were scratched and would probably be bruised if I were human. I sighed and rested my head on the floor and decided on taking a nap. 'Guess this is my life now.'

(So ye! I just wanted to say this one-shot main character is based off of one of my oc's! I hope I don't sound like a Karen, omg... Anyways! Hope you enjoyed. Bye-bye my little Snipers!)

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