Toby x Masky x Hoodie

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(This was requested by @cucunoots! I hope you enjoy it! If not I will make a remake or a part 2 in the future! This is also in the POV of Masky)

'Great, now I'm stuck with the person I hate most... Toby...' I thought to myself. Me, Toby, and Hoodie had to go on a big mission together and it was going to take us awhile to get there so I was stuck with him. Hoodie leaned over the fast running river, holding a bottle under it. Toby was continuously poking the surface of the water and watched the ripples fade. I on the other hand, waited irritatingly. Finally, Hoodie had finished re-filling his water bottle and stood up. Toby noticed this and quickly stood up as well, "Alright, you guy's done?" I asked, my voice becoming riddled with agitation. Hoodie sighed and nodded silently, "Good. Now follow me." I said, already walking off in the direction of our destination. Toby trotted behind me and Hoodie walked calmly behind Toby, "How come *Tic* y-you get to-to lead all the t-time?" Toby complained. My eye twitched, "Cause you always get us lost." I answered bluntly. "I-I do not!" Toby retorted, "Yeah you do." Hoodie agreed. I heard a low growl from Toby as he pouted and continued to walk behind me. A comfortable silence lingered around us as we walked, not saying anything. Unfortunately for us, it began to snow despite it being fall. As the snow piled up, we walked slower and slower in the thick snow.  "Masky, we need to find shelter or were not gonna live to see tomorrow." Hoodie called bluntly. I growled, "You think I didn't know that!?" I yelled. Hoodie shrugged his shoulders and Toby began to try and scout for something that would help us survive the night. My hands numbed in the cold and the cold air screwed up my throat, "H-hey! There's a- *Tic* building o-over there-re!" Toby said, pointing to an obviously abandoned ski lift in the clearing. I sighed and began to walk up the hill to get to the lift, Toby and Hoodie following. I tried to open the door, but it was stuck. I busted down the door with only two kicks and we entered. Inside were windows on the side of the room, couches mounted on the walls underneath them and a resection desk with a large gap in the wall and a lift swaying in the breeze. Toby had already sat down on the couches only a few seats down from the corner. I shook my head in disapproval and sat down in the seat in the middle, away from Toby. Hoodie sat to the right of me, next to me. We stayed silent until I noticed that Toby had moved closer to me, I glared at him. "Tobias, do not even think about getting closer." I threatened, a growl in the back of my throat. Toby quickly looked away and crossed his arms. I took off my mask and laid it on my lap, so did Hoodie and Masky. I was surprised when I noticed that Toby was now sitting right next to me, 'How did I not notice that?' I asked myself. I shook off the thought, 'No it's normal. Toby's good at being stealthy sometimes so it's to be expected...' a heat rose to my face, 'Wait, Did I just compliment Toby indirectly!?' I was annoyed with myself and with Toby, even Hoodie had gotten on my nerves. 'Why am I even trying to rationalize this!?' I sighed and tried to calm myself, but it was impossible at this point. "Uh, hey M-masky?" Toby said, poking me in the process. I looked at him with a glare, "What?" I snapped, "Your f-f-face is all red-ed, are you alright-ight?" Toby asked, his dark eyes slightly glistening. "I'm fine. I-It's the cold." I retorted. Toby hummed and turned back and stared out the windows, 'Idiot! Why did you stutter!?' I mentally smacked myself for my ignorance. As the minutes pass I started to come to terms with my feelings, 'Hoodie's my closest friend, he knows me better than anyone else and I can relate to him. Toby... I don't know. He annoys the absolute hell out of me, but, he has a lot of skill and he can be really helpful.' I admitted. I didn't know why I was saying this, it was like I was just trying to dismiss something, something I didn't understand. A few more minutes passed by, and I began to fall asleep, but held onto consciousness.  The snow raged outside and some of it began to come through the gap in the room. The wind shook the windows and the ski lift creaked as it swayed. I was caught off guard when I felt something on my left shoulder, I turned and saw Toby, sleeping with his head rested on my shoulder. I was about to punch him when I decided against it, since it wouldn't really do anything. I gently crossed my arms and continued to stare out the windows across from us, until I felt weight on my right shoulder as well. I turned once again and sure enough Hoodie was resting his head on my shoulder, sleeping. I sighed and laid back and relaxed my body. Without thinking, I grabbed Toby and Hoodie's hands with my own and shuddered in disbelief. Finally I understood what I was feeling, it made me want to jump off a cliff out of pure shame. A smile made it's way onto my face, "Your such an idiot, Masky." I said aloud to myself. I placed a kiss to Toby's and Hoodie's heads and fell asleep quickly.

(Sorry if Masky's personality was a little off, plus Hoodie's and Toby's. I hope you enjoyed!

(Pt2???) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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