Part 1 | The Only J

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"Kiss me, Lisa. Please. Please make love to me the way I wanted. Uhmmmm. I've been having fantasies of doing this with you." The last time I heard Jennie's voice in real life, not on interviews and her movies. This was when we almost had sex because I was stupid.

"I'm sorry, Jennie. Your boyfriend is an asshole, I know, but he is still my bestfriend. I'm not supposed to take advantage of you too. I'm really sorry. Now let me bring you home. I'll drive your car so you can rest. I'll just take a bus from there." And that was the last time we talked to each other 6 years ago.


Present Time


I am now at my office, gazing deeply towards New York's skyline. I just  can't believe what Rosé did. What's taking that chipmunk long to get here? She's not even thinking before making such decisions.

I went to my coffee area and grab a tiny cup of espresso. I need to be awake to process everything she'll explain later. And finally, after 3 fucking hours, my HR Head and my crazy best friend has arrived in her red stilettos and soon went to the couch and sat like a supermodel.

"Hello there my hot best buddy in town. You must be enjoying your coffee." Rosé never takes me seriously since college. She's lucky enough I'm not a witch to her.

"Fuck you, Park. Fucking fuck you! What made you do it? You know what I've been through because of her. You witnessed everything, Park! Why did you fuckin' hire her?" I said seriously with my scary tone. But my best friend, again, never took my anger seriously.

"Take a seat and calm your ass down, Manoban." Rosé invited me to sit on my own couch. Wow.

"Look, we can't deny the fact that she is now one of the biggest stars in South Korea, and not only that, she has already proven herself in Hollywood and in the whole fuckin world, Lisa. She's the only actress in my vision that fits the role." Rosé explains lovingly as sweet as her personality, but she can never change my mind.

"You've been informed since high school that she is my hot fire, right? You've witnessed everything, Rosé. You were there during my heartaches because of her." I stated while forcing myself not to shed a tear.

"Lisa, you have no right to blame her. It was your choice to be hurt. It was your choice not to pursue her because you fuckin cared for that guy best friend of yours and-".Rosé was 101% right. But I chose to cut her with another question that would really make my life in my own fuckin company hard.

"Actress, okay. But what in the world came into your mind and hire her as our Creative Head, Rosé? I am your boss and you didn't consult this with me!". I asked her the billion-dollar question.

"Simple as this, Manoban. You are getting old yourself. I know you're still a virgin. I know who's that dick of yours is destined for. Get married. Oh, I've been pushing you to date a lot of women already but you keep on ditching them. Back to business, she is actually overqualified as Creative Head." Rosé speaks sweetly but all I can see is my best friend with two horns and a devil's tail in front of me.

"And lastly, the main reason why I hired her is......she is The Jennie Kim. See you around loser!" Rosé whips her hair that I did not even realize it hit my eyes as I concentrate with my heart pounding so fast and loud. Nervous. Scared. Blankly situated in my office with my thoughts trying to erase Jennie's face smiling in slow motion. That sweet smile. The most beautiful woman I have ever loved------Jennie Ruby Jane Kim.

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