Part 42 | Proud Of Her

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The moment I stepped in New York, my sadness filled me. But I need to be strong for Lisa and the kids. I have a company to run and a wife I need to encourage to come back.

As soon as I stepped out from the airport gate, I was bombarded by the media reporters and photographers.

"Jennie, you found Lisa. Where is she?"

"Mrs. Manoban, is she coming back?"

"How's your reconciliation with you wife, Jennie?"

"Jennie, photos of you and Lisa are all over the social media, can you confirm you're getting back together? We thought you filed a divorce years back?"

"Jennie, were you two in Japan?"

"Mrs. Manoban, we were shocked when we saw your photos together. Are you two dating again?"

"Mrs. Manoban, is your wife okay?"

And I just answered them
"We're still married and she's fine"
And smiled at them.

"Bam, Sehun, thank you you're here."
Thank god Bam and Sehun is on time to fetch me.

"New York is shaking."
Sehun said when we get in the car.
I just smirked.

"Jen, how is she?" Bam asked.

I just cried.
"I miss her already. She's fine. She's doing good. I just can't imagine how she managed her life before we met again. But you know, your sister is hardworking and humble, she had a simple life and I am just so glad I found her again."
I saw Bam and Sehun wiped their tears.

"Did you two fight when you saw each other?" Sehun asked.

"No. Lisa is Lisa. She will always be the most understanding and loving person we all know." I answered as tears run down my face.

"Is she coming back?"
I hope so. I didn't answer them yet.

When I arrived home, Lucas and Luna were racing to hug me.

My kids. They got Lisa's voice and sweetness.
I missed my twins. I hugged them so tight.

"Jen." Mom Michelle hugged me. Yes, I already accepted her my Dad's wife. Dad, her and my younger brother stayed with me since Lisa left.

I cried in her arms and she comforted me.

"Mom, I don't know when she's coming back. But she promised me she'll come back."Mom shed a tear. She rubbed my back and told me everything will be alright in time.


Seulgi, Rosé and Jisoo are at my office and we just finished a meeting this morning. They were so busy looking at Lisa and I's photos on social media and some articles as well.

"They are finally back together!"
Rosé reads the caption of an article.

"Here. Jennie and Lisa enjoys their wagyu in Japan like nothing happened."
Seulgi said.

"What a caption. Too long. I want to eat legit wagyu too....and chicken" Jisoo complained. This chicken.

"You two look so in love with each other, Jen." Rosé said.

"Well, we've been in love with each other for 18 years already, Rosé" I said while I was also looking at Lisa and I's photos on my phone. Since I got here in New York, I never got a text nor call from her.

"Jen, tell us about her please. We missed her." Seulgi is really insisting.

"It's not my story to tell, Seul. I am sorry. Let's wait for her. It's her story to tell with you guys. Lisa will, I'm sure." I said.

"But why she didn't come back with you? Is she still coming back?" Jisoo asked.

"Yeah. She will come back. And let's just wait for her." I smiled at them.

The mood in my office is too gloomy. I missed her. I missed her so much. I'm about to get up and grab a coffee when suddenly my phone rang for a video call.


"Babe!" I startled Seulgi, Jisoo and Rosé. They hurriedly went to my back and looked at Lisa.

"Love, I am really sorry. I tried to text and call you. But it all failed. I am really sorry. The signal here in Takayama was too bad. I didn't know. You should have told me when you were here, Love." Lisa was apologizing but I can't stop smiling.

"It's okay." I said.

"Lisa, oh my god Lisa!" Seulgi waving at Lisa.

I gave them my phone first so they can talk to Lisa. But after a few minutes Jisoo gave me my phone.

"Here. Your wife is so addicted to you. She's been asking for you and doesn't want to talk to us anymore." I just laughed at them.

I took my phone and gazed at Lisa's face.

"Hi Baby! So, how are you? Good thing you have a signal now." I told her.

"I'm fine, babe. How about you? I missed you! I'm really sorry. I really felt bad cause I know you'll worry that I didn't text or call you. Sorry. I just had to buy a new signal tower and have it installed here at the mountain. For the benefit of everyone. You know." Lisa...I love you, Lisa!

"Oooooh. That's good, baby. I am so proud of you and happy for the people there!!!" I told her with my shimmering eyes.

"Oooooh. That's good, baby. I am so proud of you!!! What are you? Teeny Weeny horny teenagers?" Rosé copied my voice and teased me. Jesus.

We just laughed at her. Lisa also heard it and laughed.

"Your projects... how are they?" I asked.

"I am planning to renovate the scrap shop, babe. We already ordered 5 machines for the metals so no one will be scared to have some scars, you know. I also asked Mr. Kinotaki what he still needs for the shop. He's actually really shy when I offered him, but I insisted." She explained and I can see how happy she is right now.

"Doing great, my love. How about your family in front of the abandoned rice shop?" I asked her. I wish she found a place for them already.

"Oh, about that. Kai and I were spotting a house for them, love. And I'm still thinking what business to give them here. Maybe you've got an idea, since you've been here, tell me okay?" I nodded and smiled at her. I am thinking tonight about what business they may start with.

"And Kai, he refused my offer. You know, about James. So, I told him, We'll have a business here together, but I will secretly name it to him. And maybe having it, he can save up for his son. Cry baby, he couldn't believe I'm doing this to him." She said and she looks so beautiful. Sorry Lisa. I got carried away by your face on the screen.

"I am so proud of you, love! Always." I said.

"It's around 6pm there, babe. Am I right? You need to go home now and let's call later once you finished your dinner at home so I can see the kids as well." She said. I love you Lisa. You really care a lot!

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry. I didn't notice the time. I miss you, Lisa. And it's 5am there? Have you slept already?" I said.

"Yes, baby. Just got up from bed. I miss you too, Jen. And I love you so much that I can't wait anymore to be with you again. Wait for me okay? Wait for me, my love." Lisa's voice brings me in cloud 9 now. She's still there staying at the food house.

"I love you too and I will wait for you. You take care okay? Send my hugs to Mr. and Mrs. Hara." She nodded, I kissed her on the screen and I ended the call.

"Wow. What kind of movie is that?" My three bitchy friends are still here and I didn't notice as I was too focused on Lisa.

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