Part 12 | Wine & Tea

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I came home first because Lisa got an emergency meeting with Seulgi for my film Elia. They have chosen a Director already after 6 months. It took long for them to decide because Lisa is too keen in choosing the best.  I didn't need to be there so we agreed that I'll go home first.

Got a call from Lisa at around 7pm that she's already at the gate. I rushed to open it so she can park her car at the garage.

I can see her from afar looking at me with a smile. That smile you would rarely see on her face when we were younger.

"Wow! 1956 Aston Martin. Lisa! I am so happy for you! You have one of your dream vintage cars!" I can't help but shed a tear of joy. I am so proud of her. She can now buy whatever she wants.

"I only have that and the Benz Maybach, Jen. As long as it's working, I won't buy a new one. But maybe I'll get a bigger one once we have a baby already." She said humbly and I slapped her arm for joking on the last part.

"You're not even courting me yet and you're already thinking of the baby? Kidding. I am just so proud of you, Manoban. But I missed your Japanese bike." Told her with a sad face.

"You'll see it tomorrow." My eyes widened. I can't believe that Japanese bike she used to ride in college is still alive!

I went straight to the kitchen and checked the pasta I'm cooking. I felt her long arms snaked to my tummy. I wished for this moment. I actually prayed for this to happen.

"Your vanilla scent doesn't change, Jennie. It's still sweet as your lips." Lisa whispers to my ear that sends shiver to my whole body.

"Boss, this is how you be romantic. Now, go upstairs and take a bath. I already prepared your clothes." I said sweetly. I already know Lisa. She doesn't want to go on bed not taking a bath even if she doesn't stink. She gave me a kiss on my neck before she went away.

God Lisa. You still have the same effect on me. No. It actually gets stronger.

After 30 minutes, all the food I prepared for our dinner are now set on the table. I waited for her come down for us to eat.

"And finally, my boss is here." I joked stroking my tummy as if I'm already hungry.

But I got surprise when I saw her holding a newly made paper rose.

"Oh. I'm sorry Jen for letting you wait. I actually had a hard time looking for something in your room. Sorry this is all I got for now. And I'm sorry I tore one of your magazine pages with your face on it. I wanted to include this mandu cheeks." Lisa handed me the rose like a teenager who is shy to the girl she's courting while pointing at my face on the rose.

I can't hide this romantic excitement anymore. I took the rose from her and hugged her so tight! My eyes can't deny the fact that her small gestures can really make me the happiest.

We settled at the dinning area. I put food on her plate. She stares at me with amazement. Of course, I'm Jennie Kim.

"Who would have thought I am now here at Jennie Kim's place, eating her...(swallowed)...her cooked recipe and having dinner with her?" Lisa tells me not looking away. I just gave her a smile.

"God. This is so delicious. What do you call this?" She's referring to my pasta.

"That's beef stroganoff pasta, Lisa. Do you like it?" I asked.

"No Jen. I love it! Can you give me the recipe of this one? And also, your steamed fish recipe so I can include them in one of my restaurants? Jesus I can eat those everyday." Lisa eats like there's tomorrow. I was shocked. Knowing her, she doesn't eat like this before. I mean, she's not really that heavy eater.

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