Part 3 | My Family

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I am close to my family especially to my father. Hell, people only see me now as the big boss in the industry, but most of them don't have an idea how Papa and Mama worked hard just to provide food and allowance for Bambam and I when we were studying.

My mother is Thai and our father is Swiss. They decided to migrate to South Korea to work. From childhood, we have witnessed all the hardships our parents encountered just to provide for us. In order to help, I studied hard to maintain my scholarship in high school and college. Me and my younger brother Bam were part of the working student organization so my parents won't think about our tuition fees all throughout high school and college. I would even go for part-time jobs like cleaning a public toilet, delivering packages thru my bicycle or sometimes my longboard. I would accept typing jobs, school projects and tutorials to my classmates for extra income to help my family during college. I remembered those days when I also took a dishwashing and janitorial job on night shift and be home at 10pm to do my assignments and study. I studied hard as fuck to be the valedictorian in high school and the University's top student when I graduated college. I was a brainy in academics, but to dumb in love.

Love. Speaking of love. A lot of flashbacks are coming in again while waiting for my family to have breakfast altogether in our simple gazebo. I still can't process the fact that Jennie Kim is now part of L'Art family. I wonder too if she will ever be part of my own family. Ahhhh! Stupid thoughts Manoban. You can't even breathe properly yesterday when you approached her.

"Good morning my dear Lisa. I have heard someone's arrived huh?" Papa greets me with a bit of teasing.

"Hi Papa!" I greeted back after I sipped my coffee.

"So what? That's all? Aren't you going to share with us what happened yesterday with Jennie? Or should we ask Bam when he comes back later? For sure Rosé reported everything to him already" My Mama giggles as she enters the gazebo with bacon, eggs and my favorite pan toasted bread covered with margarine and sugar.

Oh yes, that's how simple I am when it comes to food. I would rather choose home cooked meals rather than fancy restaurant. I actually love cooking.

"Ma, there's nothing to talk about. It's purely business and work." I replied while munching my favorite bread and bacon at the same time. Weird combination, right? But I love it!

"Ok. If you insist. Just know that we always support your happiness, my dear. Your Papa, Bam and I always wish for you to settle down with the one who makes you really happy, and with that, will you stop sleeping with a lot of girls, Lalisa? You don't know who's who. You might get infected." I was about to swallow my food when I suddenly choked. Ugh. My mother is always straight to the point. She is always obvious when it comes to my love life. In short, she only likes Jennie Kim for me.

"What? Ma! I am not having sex with random girls...with my... you know. Jesus. Why are we talking about this early in the morning, Mother?" I can't believe we are having this topic right in the morning.

"Hahahahaha! Really, Lisa? So congratulations to your fingers for being not a virgin anymore. But poor you, you haven't experienced the real mystery of making love." My handsome father added. 

"It's always been my choice, Papa. I haven't been in love yet----I mean, with another person. I always think of what you taught us. You know, the art of making love and being passionate in the relationship itself must only be shared with the one you truly love." My statement just made my parents shut their mouth in teasing me. But I noticed how proud they are of me still being a virgin.

Yes. I'm Lalisa Manoban, the top gem of the entertainment and food industry in New York, rumored womanizer, rich, I can even buy you and your friends, but still a virgin.

My words just took my parents' breath away.

"Ok dear. Whatever your heart desires. Wait. So, have you chosen a house near your company already? You know, you have to decide as soon as possible. It's not that we want you to be away from us okay? We know you bought this house for us. But dear, I can't sleep thinking you're driving an hour or two every night just to get here from your office. You are getting old too and you need more time to rest, Lisa. Stop making yourself tired, my baby." Here's Mama with her motherly love.

It made me realize my plan of buying another house. Yes, I will do it very soon.

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