Part 2 | The J only L ever loved

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Woken up at 6am by my alarm buzzing Talking Head's Psychokiller intro. I didn't want to get up. This is the day. She'll be signing her contract with L'Arts with a short press conference for ELIA.

"Good morning Lisa. I am just checking if you're ready for the event today. Will you drive by yourself or should I let Sehun pick you up?" Got a call from my secretary and also one of my closest friends, Irene.

"Hi there Irene, I'll go by myself. Don't bother Sehun anymore. I am actually planning to give him his bonus today plus a 2 week long vacation as the company promised. Will you take care of that? Also, just let me know when do you plan to take yours as well." I ended the call with Irene with a smile on my face for doing a great job as the boss of my own company. I always give what my employees deserve and their right to have a long vacation. Knowing my business is inside the entertainment industry and the stress and pressure it brings to us; I should let my employees enjoy for a moment and take a breath of life.

How I wish I can pack my company inside a suitcase and bring it back to Seoul. Traffic here in New York is really a big hindrance to my work. Maybe I should buy a house near my company because here I am now rushing my ass not to be late for her press conference.

Okay. So, I arrived 15mins late.


This is the day. The day of my last movie, ELIA's press conference and also my contract signing with L'Arts as their new actress and Creative Head. Yes, ELIA will be my last film. I am already fulfilled when it comes to acting and I guess, it's about time to give back. So, I decided to apply at L'Arts for the Creative Head position. I know for a fact that this job will also give me an opportunity to mentor aspiring artists. I am not totally leaving the limelight. I would still do hosting and endorsements. I'm 26 and young, I know, but there's something I want to do that I can tell myself it's serving my passion right in acting.

It's clear to me that L'Arts is owned by the Top Entertainment Gem-----the one and only Lalisa Manoban. My one great love. The one I wish I had back in high school and college. I have heard her rags to riches story and how she became successful building her own company. Lisa and I haven't talked for like 6 years. After we graduated and that hot incident happened to us, we never attempted to talk to each other again. Even though we're both working in the same industry, we never had the chance to bump to each other.

I went out of the car smiling for photographers and press people. They're already asking questions to me but I told them we'll talk about it inside L'Arts. I am so happy to see Lalisa's fruit of labor. Her L'Arts building is creatively designed with 22 floors in it and various restaurants from 1st to 3rd floor that I heard she also owns. No wonder, his father was the best cook in town back in Seoul before. I could still remember those days when Lisa used to leave a container of kimchi fried rice and bbq in my locker. I just caught her after 1 year when Kai told me he was late because he had to help Lisa's father carry the products in a small restaurant where he works and how good he was in cooking kimchi fried rice and bbq.

It's already 9am and the press con should be starting already. But here we are waiting for the Boss to arrive. I wonder why she's late. She's never been late in our classes before. Looked at my watched again and it's 915am. I snapped my sight to the door where press people are murmuring loud questions.

And here she is. The tall and dashing woman who captured my heart in the past.

Why am I nervous? I am palpitating. I think I need an ambulance right now. No, I should stay calm. Remember, you are Jennie Kim, a professional actress. But fuck. She is even more beautiful and handsome at the same time now. Hot.

"Hi Jennie!" I can feel time's slowing down. Feels like the earth rotating so slow as well while I am staring at her.

"Hey! Kim, are you okay?" I was brought back to reality by her tapping my shoulder and offering a handshake.


I returned back to my senses and took her hand to greet her. Her soft cold hand that sends shiver down my spine. "Hi Ms. Manoban. Finally, we meet again."

"Too formal, Ruby Jane. I would love to hear you calling my name the way you used to. Just Lalisa. Ok?" I bit my lip hearing her say that in a cold tone. What a welcoming remark, Lalisa. But fuck, you are so hot.

"L, Jennie, will you stop flirting with each other? No, I mean, you can flirt with each other later, but please not now. The press con must start." Thanks to Rosé. We only realized we are still holding each other's hand when she cut our staring moment off.

The press con has started. I can't take my eyes off from Lisa. I kept looking at her from time to time. I hope she won't notice it. Heaven knows how this human became more gorgeous. Her jawline that I loved to kiss inside my car back in college. Her plump lips that made me lost my innocence. Her sweet tongue that tasted like my favorite hot chocolate that fuels my burning desire to suck it over and over again. Unfortunately, that kiss was the first and last time.

The press con lasted for an hour and thirty minutes. I have signed the contract, answered press questions. Posed for a photo with Lalisa, Rosé and other L'Arts people. I was about to approach her after the press con but she's nowhere to be found. My manager Jisoo whispered that she rushed her way out from the conference room and went to her office on the 21st floor.

At the Boss' office


"Oh God. Finally, I can breathe. She's even prettier now. Definitely sultry. God. Her voice. The voice of my first love or should I say my only love until right now? Shit. Stay cold Lisa or get hurt again. You know how many guys and girls are dying to get the Jennie Kim? She might not see you more than as a friend, Lisa. Look at you. You are cold, boring and too simple. Is she still out of my league? I know she is one of my inspirations together with my family why I worked hard for this success. But why am I losing confidence again? Why am I too scared of letting her know? Jennie Kim is one expensive diamond, Lisa. She is actually more than that. What is stopping you? Why don't you try?!" I talk to myself like a crazy person inside the elevator going to my office at the 21st floor until I reached my desk. I closed my eyes for a while. Flashbacks keep bothering me. The Jennie Kim. The love of my life is here. Here right now in my company, in my life, and she will be here every fucking day.

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