Part 4 | Bring out the Boss, bish!

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The 21st floor consists of five office rooms. Creative Head (my office), HR Head (Rosé's), Finance Head (Kai's), Film and Production Head (Seulgi's) and The CEO's office (Lisa's). When I first entered the main company floors, I was warmly greeted by the receptionists and the modern, minimalistic look of the interiors and a distinctive fragrance of L'Arts. I have been told by Rosé that Lisa had to see 16 interior design proposals and denied them before she got to approved the 17th one. Hmmm. That smarty ass really has a good taste.

It's been 4 days I haven't seen Lisa in the company since the day I started my job here. I am bothered why she's not coming in. Is it because I work here already? Is she not comfortable seeing me around? But why would she approve to hire me in the end?

I was sorting out some profiles of the applicants for the acting and singing workshop and those artworks presented by the design team for advertising and marketing purposes when the line in my office rang. It's Tzuyu, my secretary.

"Ms. Jennie, hurry up. 19th floor conference room. The boss is back. I have prepared your presentation already." Tzuyu said in her shaking voice.

I hurriedly took my phone, fixed myself a bit and rushed to the elevator. With me inside is Rosé and Seulgi.

"Jennie, she smashed the mirror in her office when she came this morning." Rosé warned me.

I was shocked. Knowing Lisa back in our younger days, she is the most kind and patient person I have ever known.

"She's going to hire people to kill him for sure." Seulgi added. I didin't understand what they're talking about.

"Jen, I know this is not the Lisa we've known in college. She is not bad. But someone has done something unforgivable to her. Me myself can't even forgive him too." Rosé told me. What are they talking about?

We entered the conference room with twelve people inside. They are leaders and sub leaders for each department under us for L'Arts. And there's Lisa holding a cup of coffee while leaning on the big glass window staring blankly outside. The three of us took the vacant chairs and opened our files.

"Irene, why is Hector of the security department not yet here? Will you please call his ass right away and be here in 5 mins? He has to give me all the footages." We all heard Lisa's cold tone. Still not looking at us. Irene hurriedly called the security dept.

When everyone's inside the room, Lisa walked towards us, not looking straight to our eyes. She operated her presentation clicker and financial report of the company showed up.

"As you can see, for the month of January-May, our company's financial report tells that my money is missing without me knowing a single idea what just fucking happened. That money is supposed to be sent to Africa to feed malnourished people and to start up a school for them. No one fucking reported to me under the Financial dept regarding this. How did this fucking happen?" Everyone's looking down while Lisa is talking. They look scared. I am the only one looking at her.

"If ever I find out another head or leader from one of the departments putting shit above my head just like what Kim Jong-in did, I will surely cut yours with no mercy."Hearing Lisa talking straight without a pause made me shocked. What surprised me more is learning that Kai, her best friend, my ex-boyfriend, has stolen something precious from her.

"I can give you my personal money if you need for an emergency, but don't ever dare stealing what's for the kids out there. You all understand?" Lisa's shaking voice echoed inside the room. Everyone nodded. I can see how disappointed she is, but I am so proud of her. Her charity works and helping the needy ones has been all over the news for years already, but she is not confirming it with the media. She doesn't want it to be broadcasted. My heart.

Fuck. I noticed Lisa stared at me. I hope she won't misinterpret why I am showing a little smile. I am just proud of you.

"As you can see, one chair is vacant for the Heads. That means, Kim Jong-in is no longer part of L'Arts. Rosé here has chosen Kim Jisoo to replace him as Finance Head as soon as fucking possible. Now, let's all get back to work and if you have something to present to me, go to my office after lunch." My mouth slightly opened when I heard the boss announcing my manager, Jisoo as the new Finance Head. I am so happy!

Everyone is heading their way out except for Lisa, Irene and I. Irene handed some documents for Lisa to sign. When they're done with their thing, I waited for Irene to walk her way out.

"Why are you still here?" Lisa asked me as she walks to the big glass window again with her not so hot coffee.

I walked towards the big window and stared at the view just parallel to her while I cross my arms.

"Everything will be fine, Lis. We will all be working on this together." I told her without giving a look.

"I hope so." She's short of words but I know she needs deep breathing.

"What do you want for lunch? Is Kimchi fried rice enough? I heard the one at the 3rd floor tastes like just like Uncle Marco's specialty. I'll get us lunch and wait for me in your office if that works for you." I was brave enough to ask the boss to have lunch with me. I looked at her as she gulps her coffee and nodded. Jesus. Her neck. How can she be so hot in times she's so mad with someone?

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