Part 18 | First Morning

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Still same position when we fell asleep last night. I opened my eyes seeing the most beautiful sight; prettier than the view outside the big glass window----My first love, my girlfriend beside me, sleeping peacefully and naked.

My fingers run through the side of her face.

"I just can't believe you are mine now, Ruby Jane." I can't control myself from expressing what I feel.

"Loving what you see, love?" I'm surprised my touch awakened this beautiful soul.

She hugged me tighter. I kissed her lips.

I positioned my back on the headboard sitting and watching this amazing scenery of the lake and pine trees. Jen also lifted her body up, positioned herself in between my thighs and her back on my chest. I kissed her head leaning on the crook of my neck.

I noticed our breathing is in synch as our eyes focused on the view in front of us and our ears that listened to each other's heartbeat and birds chirping outside.

"Your body is truly a wonderland, Jen." I whispered.

"Will you sing it for me?" She said in a sexy morning voice.

"Hmmm. Maybe not? I can't have John Mayer's voice, what do you think?" I teased her.

"But I want your voice." She's now pouting but still looks so sexy. How can you do that, Jennie Kim?

"I can't sing it. But maybe I can do it?" I teased her again.

I was surprised when she suddenly grabbed my hands and used them to caress her boobs in a sensual motion.

"Making me so hard in the morning, babe?" I whispered.

"I want your fingers all over my body, my love. Right now, right here." Jennie's sexiness through her voice that you can't resist.

She continues to rub her body using my hands.

"Uhhhhh...Lisa.. your hot touch makes me reach my orgasm so fast." She is too honest and I loved it.

"Don't stop yourself, Jennie. Cum if you want." I told her while squeezing her boobs.

I released my hands from her touch and did it on my own. She placed her hands on my thighs. I can feel her body arches in every touch I give to her. Her butt unconsciously grinding my hard cock.

"I---i think I'm the first to cu--cum when you keep doing that, Kim." Why is her effect too strong? But I want this morning just be about her.

I let my hand travel to her thighs while the other is busy with her left boob.

"Ahhmmm..this is so hot, Lisa. I have always wanted this---just you touching my body, owning me and fucking me." Shit. You really know how to make the moment hot, Jennie.

My hand still touching her thighs gently with a "wanting" pressure. I decided to slide the other from her boob to her pussy's lips, opened them wide using my two fingers. Before I play with the center, I kissed her jaw, but she adjusted her head and trapped my lips with hers.

I continued to widen her pussy's lips, my middle finger slowly rubbed her crack from tip to tip that made her moan so hot, loud ang hungry.

"ooohh g----god so good, Baby. Shit it really feels good." What a beautiful sound to hear early in the morning. Her butt's grinding me hard so well.

Still separating her labia, I decided to insert my middle finger inside her----slowly, but in circling motion as it goes deeper. I felt her hips moving so her pussy can fully eat my finger.

"Can't wait baby?" I asked.

"Fuck. Stop being so hot if you don't want me to crave for you. No. Don't stop." I smiled and kissed her lips and sucked her tongue.

Seeing our position, especially leaning her back on my chest is so fucking hot. The fact having the hottest girlfriend makes me the proudest.

I lifted my other hand and travelled to her tummy up to her boobs caressing and squeezing them so hard synching with Jennie's swaying body while fucking her with my finger down there. I inserted another finger to make it two, pulling in and out her sensitive flesh.

I finger fucked her harder but with love continuously.

"Shi—shit. Shit. Ahhh! Yeah baby right there. Oh my god Lisa."

"There baby I-im really coming right nn--now."

"No. No. Wait. Don't come yet. I want your first morning cum to be at its best." I rushed to change our position. I let her back lean on the headboard so she will be able to see me eating her til she cum.

I positioned my face in between her thighs and spread her legs open wide.

"Uhhh. Jennie. This pink and luscious pussy of yours is just mine." I said while my fingers are fucking her hard.

"You're so wet, baby." I added while I bite my lower lip.

While giving her a finger fuck, I started to kiss the surface of her pussy and lick her sexy folds.

"Oh my...Uhhhm..Lisa"

My tongue couldn't resist this beauty anymore. I licked her from end to end of her lining. When I heard her moan while catching some air, it's a signal to make her cum already.

My fingers opened her labia wider. Seeing her pink flesh made my tongue attack her inside. Licking her inner hotness up and down. My tongue moved uncontrollably faster and harder. I inserted two fingers while I keep licking her clit in circular motion. Fucked her harder. And harder. And harder.

"Baby, I swear, I can't take it anymore. Lisa I am cuming! Aaaahhhhh!"

I felt her hot juice dripping and flowing out of her pussy, I gripped her waist with my two hands while licking her nonstop, swallowing all her juices.

And there I felt her last shake.

"Babe, you smell and taste like strawberries and vanilla. Don't you know? You are just mine, Jennie." I told her looking straight to her eyes while moving myself above her, chest to chest. Embraced her. Moved those thin strands away from her beautiful face. Kissed her to let her taste herself.

"I love you, Lisa. I am all yours." She said with those sexy eyes.

"I love you the most, Ruby Jane." And I kissed her forehead and hugged her.

We took a bath together and prepared our breakfast. I asked her if she still wants to stay for another night or we'll head our way to Librandi to negotiate with the owner's daughter. She said, as much as she wanted to stay for a night, she's excited to see the vineyard already.

After we prepared our stuff, we decided to leave the place. Thank you, Como!

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