Part 19 | Ciro' Marina

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"Baby, wake up, we're already here in Ciró Marina." Lisa woke me up.

"Oh my God, baby. I'm sorry. I was asleep for--?" We left Como at 8am and as checked my watch, it's already 5pm.

"9 hours, Babe." Lisa answered with a smile caressing my face.

"I'm sorry you were all alone driving on the road." I pouted.

"No. It's okay. Supposedly we'll reach this place at 7, but the drive was fast and the road is clear so, here we are. This is our hotel, across is the Librandi vineyard. Wise location right? If we close the deal tomorrow, hopefully, I will add another recreation on the lot beside it, which is already ours. How does farm to table restaurant sound?"She explained.

"No doubt why you are so successful, Lisa. You're really good in business. Can you teach me?" I really admire my girlfriend.

"Yeah. What do you have in mind?" She asked.

"I want to have a coffee shop of my own." That's an ultimate dream of mine.

"I have a coffee farm in California. So, I guess, we'll just look for a location for the shop and experiment with the taste you want for your coffee. Let's put one in Hongdae, one in Seoul and Gangnam, three in New York, one in Baltimore, two in Washington, two in LA, and one in Vegas. What do you think?" She asked with full confidence.

"Whoaaaa! 13 branches in an instant?" I asked curiously.

"Yes. And our goal after a year is to have 7 more." She assured me.

"What? Can we do that?" I asked.

"Heard of La Amoré?" Of course. It's my favorite restaurant with fusion cuisine.

"Yeah. It's my favorite restaurant. Let's eat there when we get back to New York!!!" I asked and pouted. I'm really craving for their food.

"I have one here in Italy. Do you like to visit my branch here in Cirò?" She asked and my eyes went really big. I didn't know La Amoré is hers.

"La Amoré is yours? Oh my god baby! Can we please order everything?" She laughed so hard and pinched my cheeks.

"Of course. I let my Uncle Luis manage it and Bam visits it regularly. Anyway, back to my story. I started La Amoré with just two branches because that's what my bank loan and savings can only afford. Your film Mi Amor was a hit that time, so I decided to name our best-seller as Lucia, your character. Sorry I used your character to associate it with food. But, heavens, people can't stop savoring Lucia. So, after 2 months I built another two branches til it became 23 all over the world. Thank you, Jennie. Thank you for always been my motivation." My Lisa. So full of surprises. Who wouldn't admire this hardworking and genius woman?

"Wow! Just Wow! Lisa, I am really proud of you. But, wait.. about the coffee shop, how much will I be preparing as capital?" I am really interested.

"For 13..wait, let me estimate." Seeing her being a brainy while tapping her fingers on the steering wheel makes her gorgeous and sexy.

"Probably 270,000-290,000 USD. What do you think?" I am recalling how much I have in the bank.

"Deal." Yes, I am confident.

"Will surely arrange it for you once we get back to New York, love. I will prepare location and marketing proposals for your approval, boss." Lisa smiled and we got off the car and headed to our hotel room.

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