Chapter 1: Backstory

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Love / Elizabeth

My name is Love, but I was renamed Elizabeth by the Vatican after my awakening. Like any half blood I was born without knowing the secret my family held closer than life.

The truth is my mother chose to marry a demon. She was a nun at first. Giving her life and committing to chastity. But when she met my father, nothing else mattered. Leading up to her fake suicide to get away from her old life, my father was captured and exorcised back to hell.

The gate to Gehenna would no longer open for him, and my mother fell into despair. She faked her death and went on to keep this secret from me. I was born into this world a half blood not knowing the dark secrets lurking in my soul.

What I did know, was I could see things no one else did in the small village. We lived in the mountains covered in snow. It was always cold but mother seamed to not notice. She wasn't always the very best. She looked sad and distance but would light up when I told her about the creatures I would see in the woods.

She became so happy I was half demon. She loved it. I guess I'm the only reason she chose to stay alive. But it ended when I was 10. The village saw me talking to demons and they saw my tail...

They burned our house down and mother with it. She almost died that day...they wanted to burn her as a witch.

They had me in chains claiming I was an evil spawn. I was only a little and didn't understand why I was being hurt.

That's when I noticed they didn't have tails...mother said she hid hers because it was unladylike for a widow to bear here tail, and I always found it strange when she forbid me from going into town... I realized I wasn't normal...I realized humans don't have tails.

I true demon side showing. I showed my fangs and my claws sharpened. I killed 12 people that day...and saved my mother...

She was seriously burned up and I didn't know what to do. The Vatican came for me the same day. They didn't blame me entirely because it wasn't my choice to be born. But they spared my mother thinking she was a victim to a demons violations.

I was charged with the murder of those people, but I was taken out of the woods by a man named Mephisto. He calmed he would train me as a helpful weapon to the Vatican and would become my guardian.

He also said if I didn't please the Vatican by my 18th birthday they could kill me or send me back to Gehenna.

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