[3.] baby pictures

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Bailey tapped the marker against the table and stared thoughtfully at the poster he created. Missing Cat sat on the very top of the poster in big, black, bolded letters. The rest was blank.

"Fat, lazy, and is always looking for food," I replied, scrolling through pictures of our cat on my phone.

"I was talking about Simba, not you."

I looked up from my phone to my pathetic excuse for a brother. "I won't hesitate to smash this burrito in your face."

Cameron snickered along with Bailey while Theo was busy balancing fries on top of each other, making a small tower. His tongue peeked out as he placed his last fry on the top of the tower, but accidentally hit it with his other hand, and the fry tower plummeted onto the table. He sighed.

Cal nudged me, catching my attention. When I looked at him, he leaned over to whisper in my ear, "Don't listen to him. You're cute."

I blushed and smiled up at him. Then, I quickly pecked his cheek since he was close to my face anyway. "Thanks man."

Brynn raised her eyebrows at me from across the table while Cameron made gagging noises, and Theo ignored us and started to balance chicken nuggets. Bailey, on the other hand, covered his eyes dramatically.

"Augh! PDA present in the cafeteria!" Bailey said loudly. "This is not a drill, I repeat: this is not a drill."

Theo smacked Bailey's arm, but accidentally hit his chicken nugget tower. "Shut up, everyone's looking at us."

Anyways, yes. Simba was still missing (for an entire week now), and honestly, I think some wolves ate him or something because he ain't coming back. Which was very sad.

The good part is...I'm not sneezing a lot anymore.

But still, it's very sad.

Cameron took the paper from the table and held it up to his nose. He squinted as he read Bailey's messy handwriting. "Reward: a kiss from the handsome Bailey Ross; no returns, exchanges or refunds?"

Bailey leaned back in his chair and smiled. "Just think... a cute girl might find Simba and-"

"Or," Brynn cut in, "an ugly old geezer might find him."

"Then I'll give you the honors."

"Wow, I'm honored."

Cal suddenly rose from his seat. "I need to go to the bathroom."

We watched him leave the table and Cameron muttered something about Cal having a small bladder, making Theo grin.

I took the paper from Cameron's hands and raised my eyebrow. "This is a horrible picture of Simba."

Bailey shrugged. "It sums up his personality perfectly."

"He's licking his butt!"


I crumpled the paper and chucked it hard at Bailey's head. But I chucked it a little TOO hard, and it bonked the head of the person behind Bailey instead. The paper dropped to the floor the same time my heart did.

Crippity crappity wackity woop.

I hit a guy.

Not just any guy... the one and only guy, The Guy.

You know the guy.

I forgot his name.

Anyways, I hit the guy who I bumped into a week ago – you know, the intimidating guy who gave me a death stare and a tissue before blessing me. The entire cafeteria fell silent as the guy took off his headphones.

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