[10.] spaghetti necessities

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I couldn't believe it.

I pinched myself to wake myself from the bad dream.

It's just a dream. It's not real.

I was going to wake up in my own bed, turn off my alarm, and text my boyfriend a happy birthday text and live happily ever after. The end.

"May! Let me explain, please!"

I clenched my fists, and hot tears rolled down my cheeks as Cal yelled at me. At first, I ignored him and continued walking. But after he said it again, I stopped and turned around.

"Okay, then explain."

He struggled for words. "You didn't—I just... ugh, it just happened, okay? Can we forget about it?"

Raven was in the background, her face morphing from one of boredom to genuine concern. She frowned and grabbed Cal's arm. "Wait, this girl's actually your girlfriend?"

"Forget about it?" I laughed humourlessly. "Yes Cal, let's just forget about how you kissed a girl who was not your girlfriend and go back to being a couple. What a great idea!"

Cal sighed loudly, running his hands multiple times through his hair. "Calm down, May. It was just a simple kiss. It's not a big deal!"

I blinked at him, processing his words.

I gritted my teeth. "What the—"

A fist connected with Cal's jaw. He stumbled back, letting out a string of curses.

Raven stood beside me, cradling her fist in her other hand, and she glared icily at Cal. "Never tell a girl to calm down."

Several people passing by stopped and stared at the scene, some snickering, and others with worried faces.

No teachers have entered the scene yet, surprisingly. But I would not be surprised if Raven ended up in detention for what she did. 

"What the heck, Rave?"

"Don't 'what the heck' me," she growled at Cal. "You were the one cheating on your girlfriend I didn't even know you had. And look - " she held her hand close to Cal's face - "You made me chip my nail!"

Cal stared at her incredulously.

"I first thought she was one of your little fangirls or something. But the fact that you were actually dating her?" She shook her head. "That's low, Cal. Even for you."

He was speechless. "Wha—no, it's all a misunderstanding!"

Raven turned her heel, her blonde hair swishing. "Happy Birthday, Cal. Hope you have a horrible life."

Cal watched her go. "Wait, Ra—" He stopped. He whipped around, looking in my direction. "May—"

But I was already gone.

With my hair covering my ugly crying face (trust me, it's hideous), I ran down the stairs to my locker. My glasses were all fogged up, but I didn't care if I ran into anyone.

My head was pounding after each step I took.

I need spaghetti.


Brynn was standing by my locker, and she was reading a note.

"Hey May, read this," Brynn said when I approached her, and she handed me a note without looking at me. When she saw my face, she immediately dropped the note and her eyes widened. "What's wrong?

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