[11.] nothing out of the ordinary

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"You cook?"

"You seem surprised."

I smiled a little. "No, no, it's just—that's kind of cool. The 'cold, ruthless guy of the school who supposedly killed a man with his bare hands' can cook, and that's... that's pretty impressive."

Dominic raised his scarred eyebrow. "Oh?"

"Yeah," I said. "I mean, I can't even boil water properly."

Both of his eyebrows raised. "Huh."




He was silent for a moment, then let out a little breath of air from his nose. "So, I supposedly killed a man with my bare hands."

I laughed aloud. "Yes. The rumors are wild, trust me."

He put his shoes neatly beside mine on the mat. Then, sliding his bag from off his shoulder, Dominic tilted his head in mere curiosity. "What else did I do?"

"You fought a bear," I said. I lifted my hand and drifted my finger down and around my eye. "That's how you got your scar."


"Oh! And you joined a gang. That's also how you got your scar."


I nodded in confirmation, then laughed again.

For a moment, Dominic lightly touched his scar on his face. The thing was huge... and because it was fully healed, the scar was light and it contrasted against his darker skin tone.

I almost asked how he got it.

But I decided against it.

"So, let's get to it then," I said. "Show me what you got. Oh, you can leave your bag here by the way."

We entered the kitchen. On the counter sat Simba, whose ears perked up when he saw us. Then, to my terror, a glass of water sat on the edge of the counter beside the cat. Theo must have accidentally left it there.

"Simba, no!" I warned, running up to him.

Simba, being the most ignorant and stupid cat in this household, did not care and pushed the glass off the counter before I could catch it.

The glass hit the floor.

Shards of glass and ice-cold water flew in every which way, and water splattered the bottom of my pants.

And with that, Simba licked his paw.

I heard a snort beside me. Dominic stared at the shattered glass on the floor before looking straight at me.

"I see you found your cat."

"Yeah, that was a while ago." I sighed and adjusted my glasses, watching Simba hop off the counter with his tail held high in the air. "And sometimes, I wish we didn't."

A little 'mew' protested against my joke.

I felt a nudge on the bottom of my leg, and Simba looked up at me with the saddest and most adorable eyes. Immediately, my heart melted into a puddle, and I stood there regretting my life choices.

"Aw, sorry Simba, I still love you... kinda," I added when I thought about it.

Simba waddled away.

I grabbed the broom and dustpan from the closet and made my ways toward the mess. Thankfully, the glass pieces were not tiny which made it easier to clean up. Dominic got a washcloth and crouched to the floor, helping me clean up the mess.

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